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Everything posted by Haribo

  1. Haribo

    Boot plastic thing

    Yeh plinth, that's what I said isn't it? ...... :-P
  2. hmm, il have a gander at soldering new bulbs then, cheers :)
  3. Haribo

    Boot plastic thing

    true true, it was late The thing between the rear lights and under the number plate, still blonde I know but Ive got no idea what its called
  4. Haribo

    Boot plastic thing

    Mines cracked and loose. Harry
  5. the activated ring light has stopped working on the demister switch so I cant tell if its on or not and the middle light doesnt work on my light switch, cant find the bloody thing when its dark anyone? Harry
  6. Yeh mine are ok after messing after combining the two broken sets but I will take these as a spare. 16VG60, how would you like your money? send me a PM with details of payment and il send my address? I can do paypal, bank transfer, whatever suits :) Harry
  7. one of my cogs has gone wrong, anyone got a set of these to send my way?
  8. Can anyone suggest to me the best place to buy decent quality rear lights for my corrado? its a 95 and im after clear/red ones. Harry
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