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Everything posted by JEZR

  1. More a case of what I didn't do to my Corrado today. VWJay wanted to use his new buffer and all the doodoo juice, waxes and polishes known to man. The GNU came up a treat after a five hour session! Cheers J J in his case buffing my old girl! Phnaaaar!
  2. Join the gang! I've looked at a few, been outbid on a couple. Even been to the trimmers to get a quote. Still waiting for the lotto numbers though to take them up!
  3. Yep. If there are a couple left, I'd like a pair please?
  4. Splendid! Here's a clip of supercharged and my little old VR6! https://vimeo.com/173247937
  5. What? Sitting in a chair sipping tea while you polish my car?!!
  6. 1st Sunday of the month meet - 11am at Homebase car park (Redlands, Poole). If it's tipping down we'll cancel. Have a think about where you want to go. I'm up for pint and chips at a pub but you're shout!
  7. We'll all be round for a polish! That really please Ma!!
  8. Yep indeed, but I'm glad the car went locally. Bat **** fast both his and Rams. Left me for dust and makes a stockVR seem like a landrover!
  9. Well! Seeing as you're supercharged, the centre of Bournemouth it is then! I can at least see where you've got to!! Have you seen the footage on you tube I did featuring Craig on song in your car? If you don't want to wade through it its toward the middle.
  10. Yep! I've redone the dates on the Cs thread. I'm on the move so I'll do another thread later. Have a think where you'd like to head to!
  11. Hi Oli. 3rd July. Meet at Homebase car park at 10.45-11. Perhaps head down to Boscombe Beach for some photos and head off somewhere for a drink? Bakers Arms? Hopefully we'll have some sun!?
  12. Good to hear Craig's C is still about! 1st Sunday in July - Cs by the Sea.
  13. Lovely day and nice to meet some old and new friends. The icing on the cake was seeing Daren's gem of a Corrado make the people's choice runner up. There was also a nice looking blackberry and a Storm but no idea who they were! Anyone on here?
  14. I'm aiming to get to the car park outside the gates for 8.45ish.
  15. If you are there before 9, have a hunt in the car park to find us. Then when they let us in we can park up together.
  16. Makes no odds what it looks like! Unless it looks like a Chevrolet Kalos : )
  17. JEZR

    Eu Referendum

    Another will pop up.
  18. Yep. Much easier. See you in the car park at Beuleuieulieu
  19. Thanks for the tip. I'll be an early start that's for sure. That and Simply, I'm glad I can snooze at work on Monday.! http://www.allvinylexperience.com
  20. I won tickets from VW for Goodwood and an off there on Saturday! http://www.allvinylexperience.com
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