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anne t

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Everything posted by anne t

  1. steve have you still got exhaust cheers grant
  2. He is also on the GTI6 owners club
  3. I had similar problems ,changed the injectors because a couple of them were goosed.Noticed a vast improvement after this. ps paid £20 for set of 4,so worth a try
  4. anne t

    Fuel Injectors

    hi Steve just noticed reply,give me total price i will take thanks Anne
  5. anne t

    Fuel Injectors

    Need these to fit my 1990 1.8 16v,as my ones are goosed:cool:
  6. Does this come with a doctor inside the box
  7. will try this ,thanks for replying Anne
  8. If you catch it 1st time it starts no probs ,hot or cold.starts no problem with a tow,but with a jump theres no difference
  9. Hi my corrado has developed a problem ,it just wont start,drives perfect can leave it jump back in if it dosen,t catch the 1st time -no start.Can push it 2metres it will fire up no problem,jump starting makes no difference.plugs,leads,battery all new,car runs perfect apart from when this happens any ideas are welcome Thanks ANNE PS i know my description isn,t the best
  10. Thanks ,the dates compatibility are 88-95 was just wanting to be sure before i get in touch with seller,i can,t even use the backbox.thanks ANNE
  11. Hi ordered a exhaust back box,centre box S/Steel which according to listings fitted my car,bearing in mind i only needed the backbox thought i got a wee bargain.Had it up garage to be fitted none of these parts were going to match,my question is there a massive difference through the model range in the fitments,it was advertised to fit a G60 but other fitments included my model many thanks ANNE:scratch:
  12. I know the feeling just got new camera and i,m hopeless just use my old camera lol
  13. It,s not as bad as that"pmsl"Grants cousin taught photography at the college
  14. Well it certainly is that ,heard it cried much worse lol
  15. I am just round corner,yes isn,t it pretty lol
  16. yes i,ts round at the bus station / old Tescos
  17. not much apart from cleaning+service
  18. no problems would just like what i paid for it ,need to ask BILL THANKS WILL POST UP SOME PICS LATER
  19. I have Spoonfed 70mm,never been fitted if intrested,would like what i paid for it THANX ANNE
  20. washed and waxed for the winter the mk3 is my B/Fs,sitting with it,s new rims
  21. focus009.jpg


    finally on will send you a better pic when i,ve cleaned it cheers grant

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