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Everything posted by kuksool

  1. Yeah i thought this might get some varied opinions but it will help me as its the owners opinions! Well ive downloaded the buying guide available on here and its good but pretty basic stuff that you would check on most cars really does any body have any in depth stuff to look out for on either of these models thanks scott
  2. right im at a cross roads ive got £4k to spend and im in need of scratching my corrado itch :D I need reliability as it will be an everyday driver bout 50mile round trip a day Ive been considering a vr6 or a mint g60 raddo in your opinions which will be the better option in mind that you guys own these cars!!!???? cheers Scott
  3. Does the meaning ive opened up a can of worms!!! have any meaning on here :lol:
  4. glad to have helped mate.... unfortunately ive found this out the hard way!!!! as my car has been broken into 2wice also your excess on your house insurance is probably smaller than your car i think my excess is about £50 verses 250 on the car!!!!! Scott
  5. are we scarpping the bottom now by going into aerodynamics and centre of gravity just a thought mind you but are we saying that you have to modify a raddo2.016v to get near a standard golf 16v on a straight.... but on a track both standard ver of these cars the raddo would come out top!!!!! Scott :twisted:
  6. things like coats left in your car including cds laptops etc are covered by your home contents insurance might be worth asking your insurance provider, iknow its a car piece of equipment but you never know
  7. thanks everyone and vr6storm for the detailed info im well gutted now only because i wasnt in the know as there was a campaign vr6 for sale 10 miles from house for £5k with full vw sh and only 65k on the clock DOH!!!!!!!! :mad: i guess these will be most desired in years to some with corrado nutters!!!
  8. mark just had a look at your raddo mate very nice!!!! those wheels always look good on VW and even better on a raddo! when was the 2.0 16v raddo stopped production wise are there any 96 platers out there or even 95's!!!!! Scott
  9. cheers guys appreciate all the info on the c, you will be glad you never drove the mk3 gti 8v performance wise anyways... reliability is very good but the 0-60 on the mk3 is like 10.2 or 9.9 and i can quite believe it!!!! i think im gonna go and test drive a 2.016v raddo when one pops up in my area am i right in saying its pretty much the same lump as the mk3 gti 16v ????? would appreciate a spin (metaphorically) but im in suffolk :( scott
  10. how long have you owned your 2.016v then how do you find it. Ever driven a mk3 gti 8v how does it compare performance wise as im bored of mk3 8v on the daily commute and im looking for something with a bit more ommmpphhh was considering a vr6 but the insurance is the only off putter i like to keep my insurance below £1000 if poss and the vr6 is about £1200 fully comp!!!! Scott
  11. I found one corrado site stating the 2.0 16v version of the corrado pulls a slow 9.2 sec to 60 is this true????
  12. My conclusion is that the car gives you :D when you put the foot down but this always results in :( cause this then needs fixing which means handing over cash for parts or maintenance which is always make you :cry: but then on the way home you get that :D again but you make that terrible mistake of putting your foot down again :cry: Scott Love corrados hate garage bills :mad:
  13. I KNOW THE vr6 had both abs and traction control not sure on the 16v though!!!!
  14. dr_mat please say your being sarcastic as your warning suggests in your siggy :lol:
  15. dr_mat arrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh i dont want to hear that mate!!!!! my mechanic got to drive the car more than i did which means i paid him to feel the grin factor on the so many test spins to see whats wrong with the old RS!!!! ive had a mk3 golf gti8v for about 9 months whilst my bank balance recovered and it has as nothing major has happened with the golf just general servicing now i want something equally as reliable as the golf but goes like stink hence why i want a raddo vr6
  16. just bored at work and wanted to know before i buy as ive been turned from a Rs turbo owner to a raddo owner and im just a little concerned after reading the love hate post that the raddo is bit Fix Or Repair Daily like my old ford that cost me like £300 a month on just repair bills so lets have it?????? was the raddo a friday car!!!!! from the factory :cry: scott
  17. Am i sencing a little banter between you and him i think it looks pretty tidy from those pics best cortina/morris minor ive ever seen!!!
  18. i really want a corrado now as they are well nice but i want a good one and want to pay a good but obviously fair price this has just appeared near me on the autotrader so have a read and let me know if you think this g60 is worth the £5650 Link here scott Mod Edit: Link made forum friendly. VR6
  19. had a frst a while back that was a right bugger for that use to go all over the place you do get used to it thought
  20. wooooowwwww what a nice motor must of cost a fortune! a mat eof mine had a mk2 golf gti engiine turbo'ed and rebuilt with quattro pistons, all top performance parts etc and that cost him just over 5k and that was fooking well quick!!!! ithink that was on 45o bhp which suggest a vr6 could and should get more if built like my mates one and before you lot say it yes he did get it dyno'ed and proven Id love to have a go in that!!! dont corrados come with traction control cos me mates mk2 would spin in forth usually!!!! :twisted: which would help with that i reckon :?
  21. All in all a nice looking motor, but a few things i wouldnt of done!!!! nice colour though :)
  22. Thanks guys went to go and have a look at it hes just bought a vr6 corrado and lets just say i fell in love witht he vr6 compared to the 16v one!!!! so im saving till after xmas now so i can hopefully get one in the new year!!! i think its worth the insurance to be fair!!!! its one of those grin factor cars!!!!!:D Scott :D *** Mod Edit - Deleted your double post - Henny ***
  23. hi everyone finnaly found a corrado forum... and i must say its really good! Been wanting a corrado for a while and although id love the vr6 model i cant face insurance over 1200 a year really so im looking at a 1.8 16v so i ask you is there a buying guide for these???? is it the same lump as the one in the mk2 golf??? are there any probs with buying this model???? it needs to be fairely reliable so are they as i do about 5o miles a day???? ive found a nice one for 3k with 89k fsh on a 90 plate is this pretty good or is well overpriced thanks all your advice in advance Scott :lol:
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