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Everything posted by JimVR6

  1. Replaced split heater coolant hose pipe.. put new coolant in. Went for a drive and all is well. Now the front ends on stands, caliper is off. Pads are out & look pretty new so happy with that. Disc wasn't secured to the hub at all, is this normal? Just kind of fell off when I took the caliper out the housing. There is usually a screw at least holding it to the hub isn't there? Either way I'm wrestling with the caliper carrier bolts as they just will not shift. Ugh. More WD40.
  2. Any pictures of the scorpion exhaust? Cheers.
  3. Well, the head came off the bolt. It seems to still be holding.. for now.
  4. I might be interested. If only I could get my bloody old ones off.. Already sheared one.
  5. I'd rather you sent that hose as I need that pretty urgently, whereas if something crops up on Thursday or traffics horrendous and I can't get to you then at least I know it'd be on its way! But if you PM your address I'll work out the logistics of nipping in for the discs as we are London bound via the M1 so should pass right by your junction. Jim.
  6. I will take them! They're better than my current ones for sure. I am going to London on Thursday and should be going past you and can collect probably. Would that be ok? ---------- Post added at 8:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 8:08 PM ---------- (Also sent you that money for the hose)
  7. Not that I know of, although Its been a while since I've checked the boot... Thanks for the suggestions guys. Had the car up the other day and the exhaust heat shield was hanging on by like two bolts, so I presumed it was bouncing up and hitting the chassis. Put some replacements on but its still knocking. Car is lowered although not by a huge amount. Could it be the rear axle bushes? They are really torn up and look really perished so wonder if it could also be that.
  8. Yeah that was my next plan. Doesn't the radiator still get in the way even with the slam panel off? I'm using an actual Allen key which is 100% pants.
  9. I sheared the first bolt and the rest won't budge. Now I'm stuck :(
  10. That looks great! What did you use? May I ask how hard It was to get off? My bolts are well and truly seized and access is crap.
  11. Not today but this week, broke it. A hose split throwing coolant everywhere, now with the hose temporarily fixed it runs like crap. Down on power and seems to intermittently cough and splutter. No ideas...
  12. Hello I will take the heater hose. (The one with three hoses with the one that attaches to the throttle body) Do you want PayPal? Jim
  13. Rears and rear inserts could be bagged up as new they're really well kept. Front seats are all complete apart from one small rip in the drivers bolster and a bit of the usual fading and cracking. I've got a buyer lined up for the interior already but not entirely sure what to charge! Ugh.
  14. 600 for the leather? Crikey didn't think they were worth so much. But yeah you're right about the posting etc. It is a pain, but I'm not in a massive rush so I suppose that helps.
  15. What are full leather interiors worth? Any value in the speedlines? Cheers.
  16. I do. But not sure I'd get there by just selling it as a whole?
  17. Just wondering if it would benefit breaking my car as opposed to selling as whole. Car is a 93 Aqua Blue VR6. MOT/Tax have both expired. Car runs fine, did split a hose while on the MOT and lost its coolant but I have sorted that now. It's got the leather interior, uprated headlights, original first aid kit, parcel shelf & spare, all original books & wallets and a ton of history. original speedlines in average condition. worth sticking on ebay as a whole or breaking? thanks
  18. If anybody has this hose spare or knows where I can get one then that'd be great. Mine split while on the MOT ramp. (Of all days) [ATTACH=CONFIG]70506[/ATTACH] It is the one that runs from the block into the bulkhead and on to the throttle body. Thanks.
  19. JimVR6

    OEM VR6 Exhaust.

    Where abouts are you? I might be replacing mine with a longlife system. Backbox is very clean, suitcase has a bit of surface rust but no holes.
  20. They are definitely running another course next year, 95% of our group said they would do it and the numbers warranted another course. Hopefully you can get on board, it's a good group and the tutors are great. :)
  21. Doesn't seem to be the exhaust to be honest, its not metallic, more of a thud. I don't know when the rear bushes were done to be honest, could be original for all I know!
  22. Getting a slight knock from the nearside rear and just wondering if anybody had any ideas on what it might be? Fairly quiet and doesn't seem to affect the handling, just a gentle knocking every now and again. Thanks.
  23. Oh well I've definitely lost them. They're just pretty bust up points. I'll get hold of some velcro pads on Monday. Just wish I could remove the old ones quicker. WD40 does it, slowly.
  24. Are you referring to the four little grommets? Yeah those look pretty broke/worn on mine. Looks like I'll have to painstakingly peel all the old glue off the old velcro pads and buy some more. Not hard work, just annoying.
  25. My black rear number plate holder/bracket has come off, and there is an age of horrible double sided sticky tape and two large velcro pads that have lost their stickiness remaining. Is this usually held on by clips? Not sure if some previous owner has done this mess themselves or what. Either way it will not secure back on and before I set about spending hours tearing the old glue off I was wondering if there are clips available online or anywhere? Thanks.
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