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Everything posted by JimyJonz

  1. I tried to put a classified up on here a few times but it didn't work :scratch: I've decided to sell my Corrado as I can't afford to put any more into repairing it. Good condition but valve seat as dropped, presumably causing damage to the engine. I was told its not worth repairing the engine and it would be cheaper to fit a replacement. In any case the link is here with details: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121127493948 I'd happily take a fair offer from someone on here as I know you guys have helped me out this far and I'd rather it go to an enthusiast who can fix it up. Thanks Mitchell
  2. Well that could be a much cheaper option, has it had timing chains replaced? Cheers
  3. Ok update time, and it's bad news. Apparently the valve seat has dropped and broken up in the engine, possibly causing damage to the block and the head. Basically the guy said it would be cheaper to put a new engine in than repair the damage. More good luck it seems... Might be the end of my corrado days for a while :-(
  4. I had the exact same thing a couple of weeks ago, was ignition switch as jon_vr6 said. Easy and cheap to replace just a bit fiddly
  5. The sound in the video is somewhat similar, but would it happen with the clutch down? And if so would it effect revs and starting? It did sound like it was coming from the top end of the engine. Well hopefully the garage will be picking it up today and letting me know what's up, personally I'm thinking chain tensioner or something similar has broken. I'll post back when I hear from them Cheers
  6. Thanks for the replies, I've given the garage who did the timing chains for me a call and they can collect it Tuesday to have a look. I didn't really want to take it back to them but as it's possibly related to the quality of the job they did last time it would be silly not to, it definitely sounds like something top-end. I'm working every day until Wednesday so I won't have much chance to look at it in the meantime, wouldn't really know what I'd be looking for anyway and any work on this scale would be far beyond me. I'll post back when I have some feedback from the garage, wish me luck... Thanks again Mitchell
  7. Hi again, another issue with my VR6 I'm afraid. Was driving fairly slow and nothing eventful happened but suddenly the revs dropped to less than idle and there was a horrible clattering sound from the engine. I had absolutely no power so shut it off straight away to avoid any extra damage and pulled over to the side of the road, this happened to be on a very narrow country lane :thumbleft: Always in the worst place possible... I got my dad to tow me home and started it once more so he could hear, it really didn't want to start and when it did I can only describe the sound as being like a bolt was jumping around in the engine itself. Now it shouldn't be the timing chains as I had them done 3000-4000 miles ago but it did sound similar, if a hell of a lot angrier. Any ideas? Thanks
  8. I had a similar thing where the fuel pump relay was loose, mine wouldn't start at all though so probably not related. Worth a go as it's a 2 second check if you haven't already
  9. Welcome, I'd say got for it! Not many cars on the road have the style and rareness factor of the Corrado. Insurance wasn't too bad for me on a VR6, 19 with 1 year NCB was just over £1400 if I remember right. Plus they're so much fun :thumbleft: Definitely don't spend loads on mods too early tho, I've had mine 3-4 months and have spent about £2000 just keeping it on the road! I'm sure I was very unlucky, but hopefully I've sorted the main issues and should have a little while at least where I don't need to hurl money at it!
  10. Yupp, it was the ignition switch. All sorted now :dance: Thanks for all the help Mitch
  11. Much better with paragraphs :thumbleft:Thanks for the quick reply, managed to find a local supplier with one in stock so I'll see if a new switch solves problem tomorrow. Do you think this would be the head units problem too? Thanks
  12. Firstly I'd like to apologise for filling up the forum with 'Help the noob' threads but I could do with a bit of help with the apparently non-stop issues I'm having with my Corrado. After getting it back from the garage and the auto-electrician on Saturday it all seemed to work fine. Low and behold on the way to work Monday the head unit just cut out, not a big deal I thought it's probably just a loose wire but after checking all seemed fine. I know it gets permanent live as if I press the CD eject it makes a whirring noise but it doesn't switch on fully on any key position. So after work Monday I go to start it to see if the HU is still being weird, all dash lights came up on position 2, windows all worked etc but when turned to position 3 there was no crank, no buzz at all. Its like the immobiliser is on (aftermarket, was in when I bought it so I'm sure of make/model) when it is switched off, so after checking all relays and making sure I couldn't see any obvious wires hanging in the engine bay I called for someone to run the spare key up to me. While I'm waiting I tried a few more times to get it started and for some reason it just starts up and dies again, after a few more tries I managed to keep it going and drove home. I started trawling forums but couldn't find a thread with the same issue that had been resolved. After putting the HU and starting problems together I started thinking ignition switch, and found they're quite a common part to go on C's. So this morning I had the same issue, but managed to start it by leaning on the wheel and pushing the key in fairly hard while keeping revs up for a few seconds to stop it dying. So does the ignition switch sound like the problem to you knowledgeable folk? I'm thinking it could be a loose cable as I had someone fix the horn for me just a few days ago but it might be an idea to replace the switch while I'm doing it. Any help would be appreciated Cheers Mitchell
  13. Thanks, really informative post vw rule. As most of the technical stuff went over my head and after a little look around the car I decided it's beyond my abilities so took it to an auto electrician, good news it's all sorted and I've passed my MOT now :-) Thanks for your help, hopefully one day I can contribute a little more to the forum and help someone else! Cheers Mitchell
  14. Blue vr6 in Kings Langley, Hemel Hempstead. Didn't get a good look but had a red vr badge on front. Seen just after the left past the Red Lion Pub. I was in my sister's chavved up Clio at the time so no waving unfortunately. You might have driven past my red vr near the roundabout actually
  15. Thanks for the reply. To be honest I haven't even got the car back yet, I had it tested a week early to hopefully give me enough time to get anything done that was needed but as they couldn't start till this Tuesday and MOT ran out on Wednesday I'm in a bit of a annoying situation now without a roadworthy car or a garage that can fix it. I'm assuming they've done all that as they had everything else sorted on Tuesday and have been struggling with the horn since, what they said was that the horn has no wires at all going into it :-s So I'm trying to decide whether to attempt a rewire myself (my experience with car electronics goes about as far as fitting amps etc so I'm not too hopeful on that) or getting it booked in with a auto electrician right away. I work until 6 so getting it in anywhere is a pain, I've got parents picking it up so I'm toying about getting them to drop it straight to someone who can rewire the horn if needed. Sorry I can't be more helpful, I'm new to car problems in general. It's a standard wheel. Thanks
  16. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right section but here goes. I've had my car in the garage to get some things done for my MOT and one of them was the horn not working. They've had it since Tuesday now trying to figure out what's wrong as it kept blowing the fuses, today I got a call saying there's no wires going from the fuse box to the horn. They've said they can't do it and I need to take it elsewhere to get it sorted, has anyone come across this before? Cheers Mitchell
  17. Was behind a Black Corrado not sure which variant as it had no other badges, in Hemel Hempstead area about 2 weeks ago. Flashed but all I got in return was a bewildered look from the woman driving wondering why I was flashing her! Saw it again the other day with a gent riding shotgun.
  18. Hello mate, can I dibs the Leather gear gaiter + Momo Gear knob please? Ill get the missus to pick up when she's back down in Portsmouth in a week or so if that's ok?
  19. I've had both the Fiio E5 and the E11, great little devices and definitely add some extra oomph while maintaining quality. I'd go for the E11 if space isn't a issue
  20. Well it's all fitted now, was pretty straightforward but your replies helped a lot. Thanks :-)
  21. Thanks for the help, it turned up yesterday but previous owner had cut a chunk out of the MAF end and glued what looked like his sensor in there. I managed to get it out without further damage but there's still a chunk of plastic missing about 1.5cm down and 3cm wide from the part the silicone pipe would be around. Should I do anything differently because of this? I also managed to order the pipe in the 3 minutes before the post was edited, so need a slightly smaller one now :bonk:
  22. Yeah it came with the metal cover, that threads helpful thanks. Any idea what size silicone pipe I need? Cheers
  23. I just managed to get a 150mm BMC CDA for £40 from ebay :dance: now comes the issue of fitting it. Has anyone got a guide or thread they can link me to? I've had a search but couldn't find anything. I'm not very car savvy yet but hoping to learn so if anyone can help me out with exactly how to go about fitting one of these, what additional parts ill need etc I'd be very grateful Thanks
  24. Here we go 1. Aston Martin V8 Vantage 2. Audi Ur-Quattro 3 . Ferrari 288 GTO 4. 69 Mustang Boss 429 5. Toyota Celica Supra (MA61)
  25. I'll come if I can make it, and if noobs are welcome of course :-) ---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 AM ---------- Ignore me, just remembered I have a work meeting that night. Ah well
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