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Golf mk4 Cabrio looks the nuts..!! Think i would have used black for the boot build though.


As for you Corrado with a few adjustments its sweet, really like the tt cap but would have to colour code it as with the intercooler but the front bumper looks the dogs dangerles !!! Would also lay the wiper flat on the drivers side like i had on my old golf..!!!


So do you say you have lambo doors....PICS !!! PLEASE :)


Nice to see something different for once !

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Corrado looks bad ass, wouldnt want to pull up next to you at the lights, whats the performance like?

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took these videos with my mobile, you mite need real player to get them to work, if you do tho turn up ya speakers and hear the angry VR engine and loud as hell dump valve!

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I considered adding a comment earlier on in the thread but didn't.

The only thing i can offer is that i can appreciate the obvious hard work involved and just hope most was done by your own fair hands!

But pretty much everything about the car shouts chav instead of being refined, the lifted rear bonnet mounts are a good idea as mine builds up a huge amount of heat in the engine bay with the charger on the VR but the dump valve :roll: and the exhaust is just too loud with no tone or 6cylinder scream, it sounds akin to a saxo noisy exhaust or similar, and the list goes on, can't say i like what's been done at all and this is why i refrained from commenting earlier but on the other hand i do respect your taste and efforts so that's where i lie.

My VR as i'm sure you know has a number of mods including the Vortech charger and nitrous but no piss ant dump valve and no poxy nob purge valve either and the car is more refined with it's more subtle exhaust which does scream at high revs but not as open as yours that will be uncomfortable in constant use i'm sure, I'd like to see the car in real life to get a better feel for it but i think these kind of cars done like this are very hard to sell even more so that it's a Corrado!


Just my thoughts and feelings and not meaning to cause offence so hope you don't take it out of context.




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few odd things i dont like(high bonnet). but on the whole nice cars...


seems like a marmite car.. hehehe.. i like them.. good job mate.. i also love your drive way.. it massive

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I feel that it is the "Europe" look on the C. I’m all for mods on cars but the C does not need so much work doing on it as it is 'beautiful!' The Golf is fcuking sweet. But if you like it then that is really what matters. Tell me, I had checker plating on my polo, my feet always were slipping off the pedals because my shoes where still wet, do you have that problem?

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Sc0rian thank you!

Not_Aircooled_or_Taxfree yep its still a apin with wet feet haha.




Chris VR6nos sorry mate but you are going to judge the sound of my exhaust off a vid clip on a camera phone? Do you not think I left it in the garage so it would be noiser :roll:

I have respect for you and your work but think you may have embarased yourself a bit with that coment, the exhaust does have a lovely 6 pot tone in real life.


The poxy purge nob is so i can is to turn down the piss ant dump valve, as you should know the early sc conversions had serious idle problems, who do you think got it sorted and told NS racing that a dump valve or recirc valve would cure this, and I still have the emails to prove it!

And I dont use a recirc as I down want the hot air to be recirc'd!


But as for the styling, as you can see by my golf, my tastes are changing and I think the C needs to be toned down a bit, i first did that car in 1998 wen I was a young un! Watch this space but feel free to slag it off until I sort it out! :D

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I cant say thats the route I'd have gone down with my C, but surely that's the beauty of modifying cars - you make something that looks/drives etc like YOU want it to.


On that note, fair play mate and enjoy!

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billinjahg60 couldnt tell you the make as I have had it for years, it was bought from venom. According to henny it is off and early model but I have got it fto fit as I couldnt read the german instructions.

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Looks awesome in profile view reckon the skirts/wheels highlight the size and shape of the rado. Really like the colour and paint too.

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Each to there own??????????


A few words says alot just like less means more styling 8) Ha ha ha

but if you like it then thats all that maters

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Ahh, havn't posted in here.


Just want to say car is not to much taste externally but modding you own car to your taste is great, and props to the power and engine :D :thumb right:

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Not tooooo, bad m8 - like many before its not quite to my tastes, agree with some but defo not all - btw what wheels are on the rado? as they were one thing that stood out 4 me as nice. 8)


Have to admit tho, cant exactly be slow :) .


Keep up the errr...care :wink: hehe

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Its a chargercooler, and if you look you will see it is custom built into the manifold, it is a one off proto type and it is for sale.


Perfect for superchargered VR's!

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strange how so many people are so keen to slag off this car just because the styling isn't up to their tastes, yet chastises everyone else for making even the slightest negative comment about the so called "best" cars out there. shame on you.


as gibber, points out, it was done a long time ago, so maybe it isn't so up to date, but I still like some of it. it's the enthusiam and tuning behind it that does it for me though, and the fact that the owner hasn't been scared to try just about everything available, and when it isn't available, then he's made it himself. i remeber seeing this car at VW action WAY back when I had my mk2 vr6 and couldn't even afford a corrado VR6, i used to see it at all the shows back then, back when my mk2 was just an 8v on a set of 17" rims. in those days no one would even dare modify a corrado, and nothing was availble stlying wise.


you can be a right pack of ignorant snobs sometimes you know. give the guy some credit.


also gibber, thanks for bothering to stop when I broke down on the A1 on the way home from vw action when my brake discs shattered. you were one of only 2 cars that stopped out of countless hundreds who drove past.


This car is going places.....you will all be eating your words later this year believe me,....

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