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water leakin in

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after the heavy rain last night woke up to a nice wet patch in the passenger footwell. it seems there is a trickle of water running in from just infront of here the door shuts. any suggestions of cause and fix??

will try and get pics on later.

matt :(

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I'm getting the exact same problem - it really varies as to how and when it happens - if I park my car facing UP the road it doesn't seem as bad, but facing down hill a bit trickles in.


There are a few rips and splits in the rubber seal that runs around the door and I *think* thats to blame but I can't be sure :(

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sounds like the plastic membrane behind the door card has been damaged when someone's fitted some speakers...


Take off the door card and you should find a sheet of plastic stuck to the door... this is the waterproofing door membrane... if it is damaged or has come unstuck, stick it back on with some good quality gaffa tape and you should be laughing... 8)


Alternatively, it could be one of the rubber grommets between the engine bay and the cabin which has been damaged.


It's also worth checking in the scuttle panel to check that there's no build up of leaf debris which will block the drain hole into the inner wing... if this is blocked, you'll get water coming in from anywhere it can! Oh, and there's also a trend for the seal around the interiour fan intake to go and allow water to leak in there too... :| :roll:


There's quite a lot of info on here about the various leaks and how to fix 'em... find out where yours is coming from, then search for it on here to find a good cure! 8)

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cheers. it did happen in the summer and then stopped after a while. i did clean ot the scuttle panel to see if thsi was the cause but i'm not exactly sure. this might be really dim of me but how do u get the door card off?? it does have components in the doors so this could be the cause also. lets hope it doesnt rain ne more. i have newspaper in the footwell to try and soak it up!!




*mod edit - deleted extra 5 copies of this post! - Henny*

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Get those carpets up and out to dry! Otherwise the inside of your car will smell like the bog of eternal stench. :gag: The padding under the carpets is a great water-absorber... I left mine wet inside my Golf for several months and they went all green and moldy..

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I realised last night that I am having the same problem. No idea where it's coming in but will check out the usual suspects when I get back from oz. The car will be in the garage for 3 weeks so I don't need to worry about it getting soaked while I'm away. Just annoying that it has decided to happen now, just before I go on holiday and nearly 2 years into ownership :mad: I'll keep you guys posted, cheers

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i have had a quick look about whilst at work and can't fathom it. it seems to be running in behind the plastic cover at the side of the footwell. the cover that buts up against the speaker enclosure when the door is shut. it only seems to do it in real heavy rain tho??? :roll: :( :cry:

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To get the whole carpet up is a pain. What i did was lift one side of the carpet up and remove the padding beneath for drying elsewhere. The carpets are much thinner and dry a lot quicker, so I left them in the car (but admittedly it was summer)...

To lift the carpet up simply remove the passenger seat (undo the small bolt at the front of the runner under the seat, then slide the whole thing out backwards, surprisingly simple, but easier with two people (and remember to disconnect the heater wire if you've got leather!)), then remove the interior plastic door-trim near the sill (just pops off), and undo the seat-belt bar at the bottom. This should allow you to lift up enough of the carpet to get the padding out.

(You may need to take a bit of the dash out for greater access, but it just screws off.)

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Ahhh this bloody problem. Same with my C over the last few weeks. Found lots of leaves in the scuttle tray so cleared them out and hoped for the best. No luck. Water still getting in. Took seat out yeaterday and pulled carpet back and removed sound padding and dried the floor with a towel. Get a mate to pour water on the windscreen while I was inside and I could see the water coming in. Strange thing was that none of the drian holes were blocked (either scuttle panel drain hole of the sunroof ones) cause the water would trickle out under the car.


What I did find though was the plastic casing in the scuttle tray passenger side was not making a good seal and water was leaking in as it built up in the scuttle before draining off onto the ground. The plastic casing covers the blower fan inside the car in the passenger footwell.


What you need to do is remove the plastic housing and check the seal which is more then lightly perished. I used some normal silicone sealer yesterday and refitted it. Check the car this morning after some heavy rain and it was dry inside. Just have to get the sound padding dried cause as said above, its smells rank. kinda like cat piss - yulk

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You can actually buy a new seal / gasket that goes around the base of that housing under the scuttle coverfrom your friendly local Stealers - I know because I replaced it as part of my ongoing investigations into why my 16v used to become a paddling pool every time it rained!

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Yeah thats the one. There is just a plastic clip that you pop and then the casing lifts of. Remove the old gasket, and just stick on the replacement (peel off label on the back, and it just sticks on) and reattach - no more than a 5 minute job :)


Obviously make sure you realign the gasket correctly as, if its not to blame, you could be introducing another leak ;)

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sweet i'll get on that tommorow if i have time!!! got a messy weekend planned in bucks. i had to spend an hour with the hairdryer under the carpet and then covered the car in binbags to try and keep it dry!!! looked well classy.

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just spent the whole day re sticking the n/s/f door membrane and leaving a hair dryer under the carpet pretty sure i have cured it

ny the way where is the vent loctated that blocks up with leaves and how do you get to it?

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