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A Question for the people with PASSAT Rear handles

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I was just wondering how secure would the car be with passat rear handles?

I dont see how they can deter the thief, ok there is no rod to unlock the latch from the door handle but if they fiddle around abit further inside the door they can unlock the door via the rod that goes to the central locking solenoid.

I think the only way the rear door handles can prevent breaking is to be used with armour plates as they wouldnt let a screwdriver go in the door in the first place.

By the way i was taking the steering cowling off my car, and a police car went by (quite slowly as theres a bend in the road), they could obviously see that i was messing with steering side of things but they didnt even look twice. A few minutes later another one went by and again didnt look twice what do we pay them for exactly!

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The way I look at it is that


1. It might deter the opportunistic theif if they're expecting to see a lock there - maybe I'm being a bit optimistic here but might confuse the low IQ of the ScumBag???


2. It stops someone hammering a big screwdriver into the lock barrel and trying to force the lock.


Agreed - it does absolutely nothing to deter someone putting a screwdriver through the door.


But it looks nicer!!!

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I would like to retain the factory look on the corrado thats why i'd prefer to use them too.

But without armour plates i cant really see them being more secure than original, i'm think most thiefs operate at night time and they probably wouldnt notice the lock anyway.

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Just seen your handle damage photos Majik :(


commiserations mate. Don't think Passat rears would've helped :(


Go for the flame-throwing side pipes :D

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Would the passat rears colour code ok or would they look good to start then after 10 minutes of use start to look pants and start to flake?

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Would the passat rears colour code ok or would they look good to start then after 10 minutes of use start to look pants and start to flake?


Dunno - they're made of the same plastic as the std corrado handles.

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its all in preparation and the paint you use. you need to scuff up the handles real good with course sand paper.. dont miss any spots... then you need to use proper paint for the plastic with the shit that makes the paint flexible. few coats of that and some clear and they should hold up just fine.

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you could weld plates on the inside just under the handle this would make it alot harder to hammer a scewdriver in there as the metal would be double thickness,, unfortunatly would not stop them trying though like the audi ones would

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When mine got broken into they didn't even stop to look at the handles they just took a screwdriver to the window frame to try to prise out the glass!

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I fitted mine as the originals broke and as I already had remote locking they were cheaper than buying one Corrado handle and i'm glad I decided to get them as I did one side first then the corrado handle broke on the other side just before I was about to fit the other one.


I do think they are more secure as well, one because of the screw driver into the lock thing and also to prevent people with locksmith tools getting in.. My mates brother (who is a proffessional Locksmith) likes to 'practice' on friends cars when we're round his, It was quite scary how he managed to open all locks on my mums mk3 golf in less than 10 mins. He also says the tools to do this are not hard to get hold of if you know the right people!

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If you want to be in a car quick, the glass is the easyest way, spring centre punch takes 2 secs. Just had my CD nicked, the twats levered the glass with a srew driver causing damage to the frame and rubbers. I would prefer to get the glass replaced with out any body trim damage, if they want to be in they will. Sometimes think it would easy to leave the door open, no damage caused, assuming you have a good immobiliser !!

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