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Strange whistle and MFA CHECK SUMS

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Had this strange whistle on my G60 now at about 3k rpm for a few weeks well i say few weeks, only noticed it since my stearo went for repair ands its coming from the trottle body somewhere, (not the charger than good). Iis this normall


Im running a stage 4 charger,decat, K&N, jabba chip and 68mm of pully power!!


so i when and did the old MFA check sums, never dont this before


reading are as follow 1st reading on warm engine before main run 2nd reading main run reading and 3rd back at the da house!!


mfa pos 2

test sum 1720 then C10

intake manifold vac/pres idle 750 then peaking at 1750 in second and 1850 in third then back at the house 580 and slowly rising bad to 750


3 engine rpm 800+ NA NA

4 fuel consumption NA NA NA

5 Signal from speed sensor THAT WAS FUN AND MAD

6 old temp 72 at start 100 at end

7 anbiant temp 27


is that anything to be worried about


do i need to service that vacume tube that is 1m long???

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yeah im getting a whisltle on my vr6,ive got a feeling its the air rushing past the mesh at the front of the airflow pipe...just after the airfilter

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yeah im getting a whisltle on my vr6,ive got a feeling its the air rushing past the mesh at the front of the airflow pipe...just after the airfilter


lots of banter on the vortex forums about the "VR6 Whistle". I was quite disturbed when I first heard it on mine, sounds like a turbo! Quite normal it seems, but what causes it??? Air flowing in the throttle body? Probably all the ISV/ breather piping? Who knows?


But G60jet's is errr, a G60. Don't they whistle by default???

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I've got a whistle at about 3000rpm its very high pitched though.


I also did the MFA check. My vac/pres reading went to 1950 before i had to slow down quick :D


This works out to be about 14.5psi - 1 bar boost :D :D :D That Darren sure knows how to rebuild and port a charger :D :D :D

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leew, Thats the one I thought is was a dry bearing at first or something, checkd the oil return line and found oil, checked the feed and found oil so i knew the charger was okay, the located t whistle to the throttle body, i figure it must be the boost valve opening and shuttin the return to the charger! or however it works LOL


What chip are you running?


i think 1850 with an outrside temp of 27c is great then!! :D

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I'm using a chip that Darren from PDM sourced for me. I've also got a Rallye (new three bar design) outlet and Giro fitted.


I may have to think about modifying my ECU. The original can only handle up to 1bar boost :shock:

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G60Jet, A Giro fits in between the ISV and the boost return pipe. Basically its a one way valve that helps with the loss of boost from your isv....and its shiney :D

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leew, Am i correct in thinking this is instead of an ISV re-route kit


you say i'll helps with the loss of boost, So does it help Vent or Help to stop the leaks?


confussed a little!!


and where did you get it from if its tried and tested?

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A giro valve prevents a leaky ISV from bleeding boost. You dont need one if your ISV is ok, easy way to check is disconnect it and clamp the hose, if you get more peak boost then your isv is leaking, if not then you dont need a giro valve.


Leew: you dont need to modify your ecu to handle more than 1 bar, you can run over a bar and retain correct fuelling with a chip mapped to provide for this.

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