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electrical probs

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Last night I removed the trim from around the gearlever as I am replacing the shift mech. I found a simple on/off toggle switch which turned out to cut the electrical power like a sort of crude immobiliser. When removing from its mount I think it may have shorted.


went to start the car this morning and there was nothing. I treid the switch but it didnt feel very positive. It would only allow power when it was half on/half off which means the car keeps cutting out.


If this is a simple on off switch would it be possible to just connect the two leads, going into the switch, together thus missing out the switch?


any help is appreciated as I am piss poor with anything electrical.

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I carn't see any reason why not mate ! :|


Most switches are just a gate open/close !! :)

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yeh connect the wires that go to the switch together

check your fuses too. if the wire was live and it touched an earth while you were twiddling about with it, a fuse could be popped!

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I found a simple on/off toggle switch which turned out to cut the electrical power like a sort of crude immobiliser


mmm not a bad place to locate a switch like that IMO. I was very suprised how easy it was to access underneath the gaitor (I guess the need to access the OBD2 port on later C's may have had something to do with it), i doubt any potential thief would think to look their :) (unles they just read this post :( )

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Dont go drillin hole's in that storm !!!!


hey I aint going too- just thought it was a good place to locate it :wink: :)


The only way my cars going anywhere is if it gets towed, and I even park in places that couldn't be accessed by a truck now- how bad is that :shock:

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Now i might be completely wrong here, but I had a 16v that began life in Scotland, and had an imobiliser which you had to place in a slot on the dash to get the car started. Problem arise when the little batteries in the imobiliser jobby fail, the switch you've found is used to bypass the imobiliser and enables car to start.


By pressing the switch you've probably messed the imobiliser up somehow, check out your service pack and see if you've got any instructions for it.

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