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Have i bent my rear axle? :-(...NOW FIXED! :-)

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How do folks. Few days ago i hada little accident, hit rear lower qtr panel against stupid foot high brick wall at petrol stat :( Damaged panel quite badly but also bent something as my rear n/s wheel isnt pointing straight (toe out) so my steering is affected. Not pulling to any side but steering wheel isnt centered straight, if you know what i mean. Anyway was advised that it could be stub axle, changed that but no joy. So is it axle trailing arm thats bent or the shassis? What is easyer to bend? Help please :cry: I have early 1.8 valver C rear axle i could use, is it same as 94 2.0l valver one? Thanks

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The trailing arm would be first to bend after the stub axle...


You can adjust the axle using the bolts that secure it to the floor but I've never tried it, so don't know what's involved.


A new axle is around £500 but take it to a body shop first and get the alignment measured to see how far out it is. It might salvagable by shimming the stub axle. You can buy a variety of shims from the dealer for not much money.

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Imagine it would be a hell of a whack to do that much damage?


I know that ploughing into a fence post doing about 40 bends it a treat. Although that was after slowing the car up a bit on a tree first, so maybe a little slower.


Definitely get a 4 wheel alignment done to see how far it's out. If the other wheel is also out by a similar amount then you can twist the whole axle around on the mounting bolts, but otherwise it's rahter expensive.


About £1k inc labour to do the axle.. :cry:

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It was pulling away from rest, turning sharply left, but didnt realise the wall was there! So it was a quite sharp angle and it made whole rear end jolt!

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I had a 4 wheel alighning laser thingy on and it shows that n/s wheel is out by quite allot but other side is fine, thats why i think it is the trailing arm thats bent :( Like i said have got whole spare axle of earlier valver, are they same?

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Dinkus:....Definitely get a 4 wheel alignment done to see how far it's out. If the other wheel is also out by a similar amount then you can twist the whole axle around on the mounting bolts, but otherwise it's rahter expensive


Come to think of it when i said other side is fine i'm not so sure now because i was concentrating on n/s wheel. If i stand behind a car and look down the side of each rear wheel, n/s is toeing out and if i look down the side of o/s rear wheel it points to middle of front wheel even tho i got 20mm spacers on rear. Makes me think that whole axle has moved and its not paralell with front subframe. Sorry if my explanation isnt clear :oops: , but just trying to establish most probable cause before i start spending money :|

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Does anyone know for sure if rear axle has any play in mountings so i could try adjusting it? Has anyone done it? Help please :(

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Does anyone know for sure if rear axle has any play in mountings so i could try adjusting it? Has anyone done it? Help please :(
Rear axle mountings have a small amount of sideways adjustment. This adjustment is where the mounting brackets bolt to the floorpan.


You may well find that your mounting bushes are knackered & your vehicle impact has just finished them off. The rear axle beam's are very strong & will take a lot of hammer before they'll bend.


I'd get your mounting bushes checked. :wink:

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Cheers Stevemac, Will take axle off and compare it with other spare one i have. I'v just striped my spare axle of all bits so i can paint it and fit all good bits of "maybe bent one". I have new polly bushes already fitted to my spare axle so hopefully it will qure the problem. Think i will fit my adyustable koni-s and eibach arb at the same time :D

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I got hold of a spare rear axle beam when I thought mine was bent - turned out my axle mounting brackets just needed adjusting. Handles like a dream now. :D

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Stevemac..... you was right! Slackened all 6 mounting bolts and hey presto, lots of movement in all directions, got it centered as good as poss., than fitted my adjust. koni-s with eibach springs and eibach arb to it, and new pair of FK Konigsport fully adjustable struts up front with bonrath uprated top mounts. Handles like a lotus elise :D . Next step is going to be poly bushes all round and front eibach arb, should be even better :mrgreen: Thanks for all help

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Now i know that after suspension change i should take the car for camber/tracking alighment but to be honest i think i got lucky because car doesnt pull to any side, brakes straight and handles as it should. You guys recon i should get it done anyway?

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After you change the suspension - get the 4-wheel alignment done. Use a garage that has laser measuring equipment - more accurate that the old gauges.. :wink:


Well worth the cost & your car will handle great with even tyre wear.

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Sorry to be a dumb ass, but I have the same problem with my car in that it pulls gently to one side. After getting a laser alignment, I was told that the rear axle was bent and that there was no adjustment in it. Kevhaywire mentioned that it could be "shimmed" to get it back in line. Does anyone know where i can get it done in the south east or london.


thanks for your help.

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Not sure i would wona be shimming rear stub axles but there is allot of play on mounting bolts ones loosened, so it is deffinitely adjustable! Mine is spot on now

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I'll give it a go, but i'm not too hot on suspension components and knowing my luck i'll muller it!

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Broken Man, Take your car to a bodyshop who repair VW's on a regular basis - they will be able to either adjust the axle for you or confirm that it's bent.


VW rear axle misalignment is very common - even on newer cars using the same rear axle principle. Brand new VW's have also been known to arrive from the factory with mis-aligned rear axles.. :?

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To be honest mate you cant brake nothing or make it worse by loosening mounting bolts, if its anything like mine axle will actualy "pop" back into position where it was after you loosen last bolt. Just use tape measure and a good old naked eye to alighn it as good as poss. U 'l be fine :D

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Great, unless the axle really IS bent.. :(


Having said that - these axles are incredibly strong & it would take a very heavy impact to bend one. An impact to the extent of breaking the mountings would be needed. :shock:

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Gonna attempt it this weekend, but it was AmD Technik in Bicester that diagnosed the bent axle, and I guess theyre pretty well known to a few people here.

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Sounds like the axle may well be bent then. :(


If I were you - I'd be quite interested in exactly how it came to be bent.

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Thats what i feared.


At the time, they said that if the rear end goes in the air off speed humps and road imperfections, It can bend the axle when you land. Apparently, they've seen a few like that, and on the Mk2s as well. :!:


So what now then. Is it possible to shim it?

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