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amp cutting out

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Hi there anyone hot at stereo wiring my amp that powers my speakers 4 way sony xplod keeps cutting out no pattern to it really not overheating the sub amp works fine just wondered any areas to check??


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I had this once. I had used a staple gun to secure my flat cable to the mdf shelf. One staple had cut the insulation. When you cranked it up it jumped the gap and cut out. There was enough of a spark to blacken the cable!!


I'd check all your cables for shorts to earth.



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As above but also make sure the amps remote cable is big enough, Mine keeped cuttin out when i cracked it up and it was the remote cable.

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no way! i have some rca leads that have a "built in" switch wire (in between the leads)

it's really spindly. i have been using it up to now ok, but i'll keep my eye on that!

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As mentioned above, make sure you have a good connection to earth from the the amp AND your head unit. You'd be better off wiring the head unit to the nearest earth point with a seperate lead, instead of using the one in the loom. This is how i've got mine wired up.

I say this coz my amp used to cut out anytime i'd switch on something that drew alot of current. Even switching the lights on! I never had problems during the day, but as soon as it got dark, and the lights went on, the amp would intermittently cut out. Re wiring the head unit earth cured this.

Without getting too technical, this increases your voltage drop across your live feed to the amp from the head unit. (Amp needs 2 lives).





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