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interior light

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My interior light doesn't work properly. It works fine when I switch it on and if I set it to come on when door opens it does, it just doesn't go out again when the door is closed!


Thanks for all help!

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sounds like one of your door switches has either lost it's wire or is jammed. Check the switch by the hinges on both doors and have a look under the bonnet for a switch there. Some alarm installers will tap into the door switches for the alarm's bonnet switch.


You may need to remove the switch and check that the wire behind it is still attached and in good condition... if it shorts to earth, then it will cause the light to stay on permanently... :?

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I have the same issue with a 16V.

I've checked some of the wiring, the switches work, and make that return to GND an open circuit, which should make the light go out. But it doesn't. It's finding another way back.

So I began ripping my trim off to follow wires.

Man my car has been hacked about!!!

Those same earth wires to the door frame have been used for stereos, speakers, god knows what, over the years! I'm slowly working the loom back to original, and I imagine that will cure the problem.

But some of the wiring I've seen makes me cringe. Some people have no respect for good harness design!!!

I reckon you'll have a similar issue steve, as Henry (or is it neil?!! :) ) has pointed out!

Let me know if you sort it, and I'll do similar if I get there first!



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reckon you'll have a similar issue steve, as Henry (or is it neil?!! :) ) has pointed out!


Actually, it's Ian... :p


Yeah, I'd agree with Degs though, you'll probably find your wiring has been hacked about and that's where the fault lies... you may also want to check that the delay circuit in the light itself is OK, as I have heard about these going faulty and never switching off before... Connect the light fitting up to a permanent live, a permanent earth and a wire you can use as a switch to earth and see if it works that way... if it still stays on permanently, I'd say your delay has died... ;)

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Thanks guys I'll have a look and let you know.


Henny (Ian :lol: ), would you have a look at my other post (Dying) from today and give me your thoughts - really appreciate it!



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If you've a G-reg 16v, like me, there's no delay circuit (I think!).

The light has a feed (red wire) and one return (brown wire, let's call it Return A), both of which run down the driver's A-pillar. If you look at the light unit, you'll notice a further return (this on mine has a block connector, and I presume should be used for the reading light and the "always-on" setting. Let's call this Return B), and there's a feed and return coming out of the connector, going left. This is to the pass vanity mirror light.

Basically, the return for this circuit, Return A, goes to the driver's door switch, where it can earth, and from there also goes behind the dash to the pass door switch. So, if either door is open, there is a path back to earth for the light, completing the circuit, and the light comes on.

However, mine is somehow finding an alternative path back. I think this is happening via Return B. If you follow Return B, it runs down the same loom, down the A-pillar, and onto a stud on the body (along with one or two others on the same stud), near the base of the A-pillar (remove the fusebox cover, and parcel shelf, get into the footwell and have a look!).

Last night I found that if I disconnected Return B at this stud, now my interior light worked properly on the doors, but that also controlled the reading light, and the pass vanity mirror light! :roll: :roll:

Bit strange that. So I think the wiring is wrong in these return circuits. I think basically Return A and Return B are wired up incorrectly at the light unit, or else the circuit board on the unit itself is shorting them. However, as you've a similar age 16V with the same problem, I'm beginning to suspect a mistake at the factory. Wonder if anyone else with a 16V on a G has had a similar problem.

I plan to go to a scrappy tomorrow to get some bits, and will see if I can get a better idea from a similar passat or golf (assuming they've no corrados!).



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Mine behaves similarly on 1995 VR6!

Alarm has been removed at my request as it kept being a nuisance and had a faulty module.

I just have an immobiliser and lockable garage.

Auto electrician says replace circuit board in lights - checked price - about £45! No thank you. Checked board - no apparent dry joints.

Door switches look clean and sound.


Any ideas, guys?

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had a look at mine over weekend.

yes, I do have a delay circuit. :oops:

I think now that it's as suggested, a problem with the circuit board on the unit itself. Took it apart, had a play, but it's not much better. A trip to two scrapyards revealed no likely donor vehicles. A Mk 3 golf had a similar looking unit, but with four wires, so I let it be.

Any suggestions on where else the light unit was used by VW?





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