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Dull headlamps...... They are a life saver!

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Just speaking to biggrim on MSM about my trip up north when I realised that my dull headlamps may infact have saved the life of a deer, the car, and maybe even myself and two passengers.......


I was driving up to Wick last Friday night. The A9 was clear up till just north of Avimore, tthen the snow was on. Not too bad TBH, on dual carriageways overtaking lane had a thin layer of snow, but normal lane was clear. Getting into Inverness it was bit worse, with fast lane too deep to drive in, and normal lane with two thin black tracks.


There had been a fatal accident :( on the A9 just north of inverness, so we were diverted via Dingwall...about 15 miles extra....and tbh, the roads were much clearer...so got on with things.....


In the last 30 miles the snow got really bad, really fast....anyway... snow got to about 3 inches deep on the road, and as I was the only car, as it was after 12 by this point, there were no tracks. So I am following the verge with one eye, and looking the 10 - 15m i could see in front of me in the snow with the other, traveling at around 40mph. I come to this long left hand bend and half way round, see a deer in the middle of the road looking at me......


"oh shit" says I...


So i straighen the wheel and let the car go across to the other side of the road, behind the deer........cept there was another one standing behind it! :pale: ....


...heres were the dull lights save the day........normally such a beast would mesmorised by the bright lights coming toward it.......but no....both of the Deer think to themselve....."man, those lights are dull; I'm outta here."


And so I made it home..... 8) :lol:

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Hmmmm.... Dual deer versus Corrado @ 40mph


Not one I'd like to call.


Just as well you never had blue neon washer jets.

The deer would've side stepped your car and started throwing rocks at it! :lol:

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I had a deer skip in front of me as I was doing 80mph in my (sorry about this) MkIV Escort XR3i (which was lowered 60mm and had three passengers in it - making it about a nanometer off the deck!). It came from out of nowhere at night and I only had time to feel my anal sphincter contract let alone even swear. It just missed us by centimetres - if we had hit it then I reckon the car would have just disintegrated. Scary!

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