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No heat

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I read a topic on here not so long ago, that someone's heater had stopped blowing hot air out?


Mine's just started playing this trick, how do I cure it?




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Hello mate i had that prob i put my solution in the common c questions section but basically it was the bowden cables not opening the hot cold air flap properly they were sticking so i pushed it to hot and thats where its gonna stay till spring! easy enought its on the left of the centre console just whip the passenger under dash bins off and its the cable nearest you.

it might also be the plastic cog that operates it has fallen off or broken whicgh is cheap and easy to replace.

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they look great gonna put them on this weekend and give the engine bay a good clean then ill be able to put it in members gallery!

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I've tried this and it doesn't seem like anything is wrong with the cables. Could it be the Heater Matrix? If so, how hard a fix is it?




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Do you have the slidey left-right heater controls? And are you sure the plastic cogs under the bottom of the dash are aligned ok? Sometimes they slip a few teeth which means the controls aren't moving the full range. At least thats the problem I had all the time with my golf.

If you're not getting any hot air then it may well be a heater matrix problem.. I don't know how exactly to repair it, but i know its a bugger to get too, deep behind the dash somewhere. I think VW start with the heater matrix then build the rest of the car around it.

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I'll have to check that too. It is the slidey left control. If I move it from cold to hot there is a small change in heat coming from the vents but not like it used to. I'll have to have another look when I get time this weekend.




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