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Warning Corrado Jacks can damage your health

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:!: Man alive :!:


Very nearly came a cropper today. Was installing new break pads to the front today when the car collapsed.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

CAM (Christ all Mighty) could have been under it.


The Jack was elevating the car in a normal fashion, Correctly install on my flat block paved driveway when the foot slipped sending the C crashing to the ground.

Brown pants moment I can tell you.

Luckily it slipped under the car at an angle (now knackered) and the 13mm spanner that i was just about to use on the lower calliper bolt prevented it from landing flat on the drive.


So what do you recon, Caution to be used at ALL times?


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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To be honest mate that sort of jack is only for changing a wheel in an emergency. Always use a trolley jack when doing work on the car and preferably axle stands.

Thank God you were not under the car!! :shock:



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never rely on a jack alone when working on your car.. invest in a set of axle stands its alot safer.. your toes will thank you for it. :lol:

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I've heard about the standard Corrado jack breaking before.. but only once.


Bloody scary and probably the best advert ever for only using it when absolutely necessary and using a good trolley jack from Halfords or something at all other times.


Glad you weren't under it mate!

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You are all right. Sit up and take notice, Never gave it a second thought but then again lucky to have the chance to rethink this sort of operation. Irony, Noted what it has said on the side of the jack :!: Should have read it first :oops:

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What does it say on the side of the jack...? I've never actually looked! :)

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:salute: Yessir!


Hehe.. should be out washing the motor tomorrow so willl try and remeber to have a look :)

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Given that you have a Storm, i.e. a late VR6, you're actually quite lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it!) that the standard jack works at all.. Mine won't lift the front wheels clear of the ground, so I have no option but to use a trolley jack. (£25 from Argos with a pair of axle stands! Halfrauds will charge a lot more..)

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Top Man but now what do I use should I get a flat? The lump of 4x3 and some spare block paviers worked a treat yesterday to get her back of the floor. Mind you, There is no way I am carring that lot around, Would have to stick a red flag out the window! :lol: :lol: :lol: Best go shopping again on-line :!:

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My suggestion is get down a scrappy and get a jack off an Audi A3 - same fixings and a useful bit stronger and taller.

If you find one, get me one too.... ;)


And in the meantime, if you get a flat whilst out and about, try calling mr RAC.. ;)

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And in the meantime, if you get a flat whilst out and about, try calling mr RAC.. ;)


DOH Will cost a fortune in hair die and a boob job (HELLO) :D

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Having a car fall on top of ya is no fun!! I used std scissor jack on my old golf gti once and even took the precautionary measure of putting a pair of axle stands under it as well! I was tackling the inner tie rod which was being a b*tch to get undone from the rack end, so I was fully under the car attacking it when the jack slipped bringing the car down sideways which toppled the axle stands as well, I got pinned by the brake disc which was sat on the top of my shoulder ( 1" away from my throat :shock: ) and my head got pinned between the driveway and the wishbone which fractured it, luckily my next door neighbour was close by and heard me saying ' gosh this hurts' :D and managed to pick the car up and get it re jacked up. Spent 6 hours in A&E! :shock: !


I learned a lesson that day scissor jacks are cr*p never get under a car without securing it first!!

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Yup, use a proper jack and axle stands I always do, even given that for a lot of jobs it may take more time to jack up the Rado and get it on stands than the actual job.


I have never used or relied on the jacks supplied with my Karmann coupes.


Then again, I don't have such luxury as a bricked drive to work on my Rado, half of the car standing on the concrete bit in front of my garagae, the other half in the mud of the back alleyway. Recently as I was changing the starter motor (once again :roll:, but a new one from GSF at long last sorted it :D ), I couldn't get the front engine mount bracket and the gearbox lined up for the lower bolt to engage despite jacking up the engine + gearbox with a trolley jack, ultimately the Rado fell off the jack, as the jack tumbled in the mud :shock: Good job, I wasn't underneath, the Rado sat on the axle stands again, and lo' and behold that had done the trick in terms of lining up the bracket and gearbox hole for the bolt to slide through :lol:



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Never had a problem with my corrado jacks, the amount of sets of wheels i have swapped useing it, i most admit it can be a bit scary and think its time i invested in a proper trolley jack and some axle stands.


My old shingle driveway used to provide me with a few brown trouser moments when useing the jack :?

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