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Burning CD's

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OK, why the hell doesn't the CD I just burnt work in my JVC headunit? It works in every other CD player I've tried, (except a real old Aiwa thing that I presume isn't compatible with CD-Rs), and my headunit is marked with a CD-RW logo that suggests that it should work with CD-RWs. Now, if it works with CD-RWs, it should DEFINATELY work with CD-Rs, right?


It's a TDK 650MB CD-R disk, burnt using Nero, (which didn't give me the option to finalise) and like I say, it works in every other vaguely modern CD player I've tried it in! :mad:


Any ideas?

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its usually the type of ink on the dics and some cd players also have problems with the speed you burn them at.

some cd players need them to be burnt really slowly but i thought that was only the older ones.

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Did you save it as a WMA/MP3 or audio?


It's definately audio, as it wouldn't play in most other players otherwise.


Muppet, cheers, I'll investigate the write speed.


Incidently, I've found the finalise option, and it was definately checked when I wrote the Cd...

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LOL! Yea, I get it.


For some reason Nero has locked the option to change the write speed at 8x. I guess I'll have to delve into the settings to find out why...

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no bother


btw what i mean by tpe of ink is some colours of ink read better same happens with playstations .... ahem


:) you mean the dye :wink: yep alters the reflectivity of the laser, verbatim always used to be the best for p/station games


yeah as long as the disc is closed it should work , is it an mp3 h/u or just audio ?

easiest thing is to try a different make of disc

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Some kit can only read CDRW's and not CDR's, My mates Marantz (Philips) HiFi cd player is like this - I would check the specs on the website... Have you tried any other CDR's?

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i would go with the make of disc aswell. i have this problem with my home stereo

you do realise that piracy is killing the music industry though....

is that why robbie williams only earnt 2 million last year compared to his normal 17 million or so?

maybe they should drop their prices?

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Robbie Williams only earned 2mil last year because the housewife's favourite has finally been sussed as the talentless annoyance that he really is... :-P

And it's not home piracy that's killing the music industry, it's overpricing and RUBBISH MUSIC that's killing it...


Meanwhile, back on-topic, when you say it won't play it, does it simply fail to scan the disk altogether, or does it scan it and then bomb out when you try to play tracks, or what?

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thats kind of what i was getting at dr_mat! the price of cds is ridiculous as we all know how much a cd costs so it means that the fat cats producing the music are getting paid far too much!

im all for copying cds (note to FACT- i dont own any such facilities, its me mate Dave who gets the cds, honest!)

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I would agree its usally the brand of disk thats the probelm or the speed that it has beign written at.


I copy all my cd's to use in my car as I used to leave originals loose and they get scratched easily. This was when my copy stops reading i just burn another for 24p better then when i had to buy originals again of my favorit disc.

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Sorry, didn't realise this thread was still alive! :lol:


Burning at 2x with MS media player seemed to do the trick.


Supercharged, it seems weird that some kit will play CDRWs and not CDRs, as the contrast ratio and read-out mechanisms are pretty much the same for CDRs and conventional CDs. CDs have pits and lands to give 0's and 1s respectively, whilst CDRs have chemically altered regions to give similar contrast from 1 to 0.


CDRWs however use polarisation sensitive detectors as it isn't the AMOUNT of light reflected that changes from 1 to 0, but the state of polarisation, hence you need upgraded read-out heads in order for them to work.


In my case, I was using an audio format CDR in a headunit marked as being able to read CDRWs. I don't think it can read MP3s. Never tried to be honest!


And yea, I have no quarms about downloading music. I have friends in bands of varying success, all of whom are happy to download music, as they agree that if the fat cats were to distribute the money amoung artists rather than hoardng it themselves, the entire industry would be better off.


I NEVER download mountainbike films as the money from those goes to film producers who are then able to make more videos with more riders, that then gives the riders the publicity they need to obtain/keep sponsorship deals.

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I NEVER download mountainbike films as the money from those goes to film producers who are then able to make more videos with more riders, that then gives the riders the publicity they need to obtain/keep sponsorship deals.


chainspotting is a classic and its got great music too, shame its not availiable on dvd though :(


i was watching a documentary the other day which explained that the music industry is making far more profit from people downloading music (even with the piracy losses) that they ever did with cassettes, vinyl (ask your parents) or cd's

with downloads there are far less packaging and printing costs so therefore more proffit

its all just media hype to try and destroy the p2p sites

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