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Roger Blassberg

Timing Chains

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Matt, the clutch shouldn't judder at all.... as I've discovered finally....it's like a cloud over my head has dispersed, LOL!


Vince said the tappets to avoid are any that don't have INA stamped on them.....which GSF sometimes sell, but generally they're usually INAs.


Might have a word when the car's in for the next service re: clutch.


As for the tappets what the hell do you have to do to KEEP them quiet then? Bloody variable things. You'd hardly think a simple thing like that could be so hard to get right! At this point I'm wondering if they did the right thing moving from rockers to hydraulic tappets in the first place ... :)


And as for your copyright-infringing .sig Kev ... ;)

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Sweet motor Joe btw, fab paint job. Hurts spending that kinda money but i bet you just stare at it all the time now


Yes, it will look even better when you get the wheels the same on both sides...... (only jealous)


Best wishes



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Chris, It took 4 hours but 30 mins is always taken up cleaning the blooming end plate....has to be clinically clean or it will leak and drip oil down the side of the engine!


Matt, to be fair my tappets had 2 lots of different profile cams on them and were 30K old with very hard driving... only 1 of them had gone lazy out of the 12 (the familiar rythmic clack - clack - clack - clack....) but it was doing my nut in when driving alongside walls and fences etc, so changed em! I don't mind doing that periodically as it's not a big job.


Good news on the MK4 upper pad front.....zero wear after 30K's use...


I've based my sig on yours but isn't an exact copy, so balls to you and your copyright infringements :lol:

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You mean like mine leaks and drips oil down the side of the engine since they were done?

My clutch is ok though. Was extra critical this morning and any hiccups definitely seem to be down to the engine hiccuping very slightly.

Does your .sig have substantial non-infringing uses, Kev? ;)

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Supercharged, yep soaked em overnight and guess how much difference it makes? Yep, NONE :lol: But I figured as much anyway as they only work under pressure......TSR....PMSL, what a bunch of jokers :lol:


DrMat, possibly...have you checked the cam sensor as the O ring sometimes splits as you, erm, insert it?

If your clutch is good then crack open a beer and rejoice in the wonders of no longer being in the Judder club....

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Ah, I was thinking of the other end of the engine, sorry. I mean the air-box end (or lack-of-air-box end in my case right now).. :)

And yes, I am pleased with my clutch. Very lovely... One less thing that needs replacing!

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Hmmm, shouldn't be any oil leaking at that end....perhaps the rocker cover gasket is leaking slightly? There's like a Half moon shape bit of the gasket that fills the machining in the head....that can sometimes weep if not sealed down properly.


Glad your clutch is good....I'm paranoid because my previous ones were all OK for a month and then they started juddering. I really will give up if a new VAG clutch, new flywheel and a gearbox rebuild can't sort it!!!

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Yeah, it's coming from the rocker gasket. Been happening since the last set of tappets went in. Not losing enough to worry about though.

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