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Boost Linkage Mod

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I've just been reading something about adjusting the Boost Linkage, to make full boost come in lower down the rev range of a G60.


Has anyone got any info or pics for this?




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There is a small linkage under the throttle body that has a plastic socket that clips into a ball pin on the lever that opens the boost inlet inside the throttle body. you need to pop off the socket and its on a thread that you can adjust to alter when boost enters the engine!

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I'll have a look when I get a home, I'm travelling back from workington at the min.

Is it a good or bad idea?

Also, is it in or out you turn it to bring to boost in lower down and how much is best?




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Surely the ECU wont like that too much. More air at the same rpm means it may not be able to fuel enough -> lean running -> melted piston!!


Similar problem with the schrick manifold on the VR. You have to get a custom map to make use of all the extra air being sent into the engine.


Bentley says under no circumstances to adjust those linkages, they are set at the factory and should only be adjusted by the pro's (not VW mechanics obviously!)


Just my thoughts, better ask Darren or John etc...



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I did it on my Golf. You can feel the boost come in a bit sooner. However, For any throttle position you are running more boost which leads to higher consumption.

Want more boost get 65 and suitable chip..Ask GazzaG60 he'll tell you :mrgreen:

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Here's a piccy of the linkage (throttle body is pictured upside down)


Logically speaking, the correct adjustment of this lever should be that when the throttle is held wide open - the boost bleed flap should be fully closed. Many G60's no longer fully close this bleed flap - caused by wear in the nylon sockets on each end of the linkage. The joints become loose & as a result, the flap does not fully close.

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The secondary valve should just close fractinally before full throttle. There are no gains from shorterning the linkage to actuate full boost at lesser throttle postions. All you are doing is losing throttle modulation.

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