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Almsot Final T-Shirt Designs Page 4! - updated 01/20/05

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Alright guys…I have been super busy the past few months, but I got some motivation today while at work to make some new designs. These are first draft designs so any feedback would be helpful. I really want to try and get these made so please give me any feedback so I can get designs most everyone agrees with. Here are the new designs. Colors of designs of shirts can be changed etc. I'm partial to darker color shirts so they don’t get stained as easily so they will last longer. I will probably get the graphic designer I had before touch up the next drafts. I have a few more ideas for fonts and whatnot.


Bring it on.













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Hmm, I dunno. I'm not as keen on these as the "G-unit" ones. It just seems like they're going out of the way to offend, but I guess that's the point....

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i'll have 2 depending on price :D


any ideas on back,,, i jus like turning my back on ppl HAHA

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The back is still up in the air like most of the shirt. If there was something on it I was thinking it lining the bottom of the shirt.

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yep better than the last ones, more simple but more effective


for the back, how about an outline of the g-lader or whatever engine its for, made up of writing about the spec for that car, so at first it just looks like a drawing but if you look closer its made up of text?


found this on the net a while ago which looked quite cool

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Great idea! I am going to see what my graphic designer can do with the new designs I came up with as well as the text/picture thing you mentioned. Stay posted guys. BUMP it up.

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Some guys at the CCGB had some 'Are you a cnut?' t-shirts made a while back and to be honest I wasn't too keen on them.


I do kinda like the designs, but would much prefer them without Cnut on them.. like Big ted, I REALLY liked the G-Unit ones you came in with originally.. wish you could make some of those!!


Not to be picky, but i'm sure you'd rather have some honest feedback :)

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Like a lot of people on this forum, I don't think the CNUT idea is particularly funny (though I can see the joke). TBH I thought it was quite disgusting that the CCGB was promoting these shirts at Inters last year and did my utmost to distance myself from it then.


Also (strangely) I think you might find copyright issues if you use the word...

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TBH I thought it was quite disgusting that the CCGB was promoting these shirts at Inters last year and did my utmost to distance myself from it then.


Errr, they wern't, I think Guy just had them made up and was selling them himself...

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Funny, but I wouldn't wear one with "CNUT" on. A bit to close to the mark I think, sorry. Would have the one just with the 16v on!

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For me the whole CNUT things is a bit juvenile for my tastes. The kind of thing I used to wear when I was 15 and enjoyed provoking a reaction. Not meaning to offend :)

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either way could be a cheap way for me to upgrade my valver to a vr6!


not been there, cant afford that, but have a t shirt! ;)

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TBH I thought it was quite disgusting that the CCGB was promoting these shirts at Inters last year and did my utmost to distance myself from it then.


Errr, they wern't, I think Guy just had them made up and was selling them himself...


Guy had bought them himself from a supplier, and was selling them from his car which was parked on the club stand. I didn't say the club was selling them...

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They look excellent quality and are well designed, but as others have said, don't think I'd wear one with 'cnut' on it. Defo buy one with just VR Six on it though!

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From the general consensus the CNUT is going to be cut from the future designs. From reactions on the vortex and here on the Corrado forum the outline of the Corrado used in these designs is also going to be slightly changed. People seemed to have a hard time visualizing the outline being a Corrado even though it was taken from a photo of my Corrado.


But yeah, next designs are going to be without the CNUT and a better angle of the Corrado so people can tell what it is. Anyways, I hope the next designs will be done soon enough. My original plan for the new designs I made were to have the graphic designer I know smooth them up a bit with changing fonts and whatnot, but I think I might be doing it myself. So give me a few days, I'm doing this in my spare time in-between work and home. The first designs you guys see here were a total rough draft of what’s to come.


I really appreciate the input from everyone. Stay posted for the new designs. If you have any more ideas I am open to hearing them. =]

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Oh, for the back I was thinking about having something like “It’s a love – hate relationship…” on the bottom of the shirt; just an idea. I think its amusing because the cars have so many issues yet we love them so much. =P

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How about having 'corrado-forum.net' on the bottom of the shirt - sure the Vortex guys won't mind :lol:

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They look good, but as you say, lose the cnut bit ;)


The outline that the CCGB use on their stuff is really good, so could work on the t-shirts too. I'm not sure if it's a CCGB specific thing, or if it's a VW created thing tho.

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