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She's going!

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Well, I've done it, traded in the C for a '99 Cougar V6. Paperwork is all signed, just have to wait a few days for the service and MOT to be done.


So I have a few days to say goodbye. Have a good route planned for a drive tomorrow, though no doubt the old girl will take me where she wants to go, a nice quiet country road with plenty of twist's and turns, just to remind me of how damn good she is.




Yeah I know I'm a slag for pimping my C off for such a lowly thing as a Ford and a few quid, but hey, I now have a happy, smiling wife, a newer car, and I do actually like it, drives well, has a good bit of the grin factor in it, though not as much as my C!


You never know, with the extra dosh I'm earning now I could well end up bagging a VR in 6 months or so, just for the weekends of course. would'nt want to run it into the ground like my poor old valver.


It's been fun guys, and thanks for all the advice, you know who you are! I'll still be hanging around, just to see whats going on.

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Good luck with the Cougar, neighbour next door came home in one the other day, ugly thing IMO.


But seems like your boss has made you a deal you cant turn down, tell him you got 2k for ya C though :)

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Sounds like you have got a quality boss Del 8)


But a cougar?..... Oh dear :lol:


Not long till your back with a C Vr6 :wink:


If you dont mind me asking, what do you do mate?

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Senior Sales Engineer - Industrial Computers, Panel PC's and rack mount servers.



The Cougar was my choice, I'll be honest. Had to get something presentable but I wanted a bit off ooomph. Tried a 406 Coupe 3.0 V6 SE, full leather etc. but it just didn't do it for me. Then tried the Cougar and wow, I was impressed. I like the looks and the power is quite refined too. Not too bad on the country roads either. Decent boot space aswell, I can get in a couple of 1U systems (boxed) quite easily.


But there is no doubt about it, I will get another C, probably the VR6, in the not too distant future, I just need to make sure I'm earning enough to run two V6 motors and keep the missus in the style she'll be getting used too!l



He's good but he'll want to see the paperwork with the figures on it!

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funny i sold a cougar v6 to get a corrado it was a nice car dont get me wrong but boy did it go wrong! hope you have better luck but if you have to have a exec sled and someone else picks up the tab why not eh get it superchiped mind i miss its massive boot too swallowed my golf clubs easily a feat the raddo cant match!

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Some previous comments in my post's above have been edited out due to some a*** at work being nosey and prying into my business and getting a bit upset crying to the boss. Yes I know this is an open forum and anyone can read the posts in it , but I naively thought only those who had a genuine interest in the Corrado would read this. My so called colleagues are not admirers of the C but to think someone has been trawling my post's, by the way, I know who you are, is a bit sad. My life and interests are obviously more interesting than their own .


Back on topic!


Had my Cougar for a month now and she's proving to be a great drive, especially on the motorway :D Still see quite a few Corrados on my way to and from work, and still get the lusting feeling I always have when I see one. The Cat does not corner on the country roads like the C but makes up for it in other ways, comfort being one!


I have warned the missus I'll be looking for a VR for the weekends but probably not till next year. The Corrado is still one of the best looking cars on the road IMHO and one day I'll own one again. :)

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