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rear ended :(

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:mad: driving to a mates house this afternoon sitting in traffic aproaching a roundabout and BANG a woman in a p reg escort smacks into the back of me :mad: ,

its not as if i was the only one infront of her either there where two more cars stopped in front of me and she said sorry i didnt see you there i was looking at the traffic coming fronm the right :wink:

as i got out of the car and looked at the front of hers it really didnt look good as her bumper and number plate had shattered the grill was smashed and the bonnet was dented so i had a look at mine and the only damage was the base of the bumper has pushed in about an inch and is scuffed in the middle it looks as if the bumper is only staying pushed in as the metal plate on the rear is holding it in


after having a bit of a go at her and then calming down we exchanged details and she is with the aa on her husbands policy, i have fully comp with legal cover and courtesy car cover and full protected no claims as i have never had to claim before im not really sure what i do next, i do have a sore neck as i was looking to the right and my head bounced off the headrest when she hit me, i wouldnt claim whiplash for no reason but i think i will go to the doctor to be checked tommorow to be on the safe side


i know a local bodyshop who are excellent at this sort of thing but is it worth getting a quote from a vw garage ? how much is a new rear bumper if it does need one ??

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Get two quotes - one from VW, which will be high, and one from your preferred garage, which should be cheaper. The insurance company will likely give the go-ahead to the cheapest quote. That's what's happened before in my experience at least.

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oh i forgot she also said "i know how expensive the parts are as my husband has a white vr6" not someone from here is it :)

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sorry to hear that mate!!


hope your ok though?


a new bumper will set you back about £500 inc vat etc....


still it should all be claimed for by her insurance!


ALWAYS go and see a doctor even if you dont think your injured (been on a first aid course today) knocks to the head can develop over a couple of days! (dont mean to worry you)


agree with bcstudent though get 2 or 3 quotes for the damage and only allow someone your happy to carry out the work do it!


hope it all get sorted with minimal off hassle

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wouldnt mind getting the vw garage to do it as i think they have gttdi's as courtesy cars :lol:


but i will probably get the garage i know to do it as i may get some other bits done at the same time

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phoned my insurance company today and they want me to take it to their approved garage who i know have a very poor reputation, so i said there is no way i am giving them the car and he asked me to get some quotes from my prefered garages but depending on the quotes they may ask for it to be done by their approved cowboys anyway


they also said i will have to pay a 350 quid excess which would be returned after the claim is complete but i dont have 350 quid spare to play with so they told me to contact a company called first legal protection who will stump up the cash for me, has anyone else used this service before?

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sorry to hear that mate , what is it with c's ? they seem to be rear ended on a regular basis....

hope you get it sorted with the minimum of hassle , you may be better goin to the ins co garage to get a quote then get the garage of your choice to put in a slightly lower one



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Yep, new rear bumper is £397+vat - same thing happened to me last year, I bought a bumper off here for £50 and got a few extra bits done...

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Go to the doctors so that is a record. Otherwise the insurance company will not support you if you try and claim more money futher down the line in time. Also tell the insurance company that you have visited the doctors.

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I'd agree with most advice here. They can't force you to use their 'approved' cowboys, so don't roll over and let them.


Also, check your boot floor to make sure it's not creased. If it is, then it's a very expensive job to fix...

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yup, with Dinkus on this one... After not claiming for any injuries in an accident a few years ago (was a passenger in a car that was heavily rear ended), I really wish I had as I've since discovered that I damaged my collarbone and shoulder in the accident and it's cost me quite a bit in doctors bills to try and get it sorted out... :|


Sorry to hear about your accident though... It's not a nice feeling when someone else does something stupid which damages your car and you had no way to stop it from happening... :|

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i took it to the local vw garage this afternoon and the guy wrote down that it needs a new bumper and bumper support and also noticed a small dent in the panel above the bumper which is quite handy as there has been another small dent and chip close to that since i have had the car should be getting both the quotes on thursday


went to the doctors this morning and the doctor said i had a muscle strain on the right hand side of my neck and to take some ibuprofen

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i reckon thats about a grands worth of damage then all in with paint etc, be careful about it as the insurance company will write a car off as easily as they want to and you`ll have ____ all to say about it!


(although you should be ok) its worth asking the garage if they`ll let you supply the parts (ebay or here) and then get them to fit and paint `em..... be warned though some places wont let you source the parts they HAVE to come direct from the manufacturer...... dunno how this works if parts are discontinued though!


justification for classic status now i reckon!

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I know your feeling mate, happened to me two weeks ago to the day. Sadly my C has been written off. I dealt with the womens insurance direct after they contacted me. she was with esure and they have been good upto now. Just make sure you do what you want to do. Its your car at the end of the day and don't be pushed into anything. I stood my ground and came out with a £3k payout and am retaining the salvage.

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there is no way they are taking the car away, thats why i refused to let them use their own bodyshop. i cant see them writing it off for a bumper and brace and the dent on the rear panel is about the size of a penny and is accesible from behind so can probably be removed by dent master it may have even been there before the bump but he took note of it


the guy at the vw garage said all the parts are still availiable and the guy at the bodyshop i know said his quotes are usually half that of the vw garage so fingers crossed it should be ok

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had a couple of quotes for the work and dane vw want to repair the bumper and respray both rear quarters even though they are not damaged at all and i dont really want the bumper repaired as its distorted thier quote came to £688 +vat and that is with only £50 worth of parts the rest is labour


my local trusted garage want £253+vat for paint and labour and the new bumper with the brace included is £414.58 +vat from vw and i know he will do a superb job


only problem is that he said the assesor could tell him to repair the bumper, do i have any choice in this as i thought i was meant to be left in the same position as before the bump and i certainly didnt have a filled plastic welded bumper before .

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Yep, either demand a new one (especially as there will be no risk on increasing the claim so much so that they might write it off) or do what I did and buy a good second hand one off here for £50 and get other bits done instead of the bumper repair.

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the assesor come out on monday to have a look at it and its all been approved for repair :cheers:


but i was in town on saturday just sitting in the car in the car park having a bite to eat, and i noticed a woman in an s reg clio reversing towards me i was thinking shes getting close, but then she stopped so i breathed a sigh of relief but then she starts reversing again and hit me quite hard then pushed me forward about a foot :mad:

i quickly jumped out of the car and she was about to drive away so i jumped in front of her and she stopped got out and said "oh sorry was that your car" to which i replied yes it in my f***ing car and you just reversed into it and she just said "oh i only passed my test 2 days ago sorry"

after a long stream of expleitifs from me and several apologies from her i said your lucky its already going in for repair after the last ***** **** drove into it


i just hope its not going to be one of those things that come in three's


i also asked the bodyshop how much he could do a full re-spray for and he said about 1k if i remove all the trim so i might be getting that done soon

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i also asked the bodyshop how much he could do a full re-spray for and he said about 1k if i remove all the trim so i might be getting that done soon


Yeah, thats what I did, supplied a second hand bumper and paid £700 for the full respray including taking out dents etc, the new UV protected lacquer is garauntee'd for £12 years!


The only problem with this is you will also want to spend another £500 on replacing all the outer trim, roofstrips, weather strips, window seals etc as none of that will go back in properly again...

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oh its definately having a brand new bumper, im just wondering whether to upgrade the suspension and front bushes or go for the re-spray


and what do you all think about colour coding the number plate panel as i have a spare and he said he could do that while the bumper was being done ?

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