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Gran Turismo 4 - what do you think of it?

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The only thing I have noticed about GT4 is that of all the car maufacturers that are there - There are some key players in the supercar market missing!!!


Why arent Ferrari, Lamboghini and Porsche (RUF is tuning company specialising in Porsches but are not the actual manufacturers!!!) in the game????

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The Cadillac Cien has an active spoiler on it - in replay mode put the camera facing back so you can see the rear of the car and watch it pop up and down!

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The only thing I have noticed about GT4 is that of all the car maufacturers that are there - There are some key players in the supercar market missing!!!


Why arent Ferrari, Lamboghini and Porsche (RUF is tuning company specialising in Porsches but are not the actual manufacturers!!!) in the game????


Ferrari and Porsche are probably contracted to Microsoft somehow as there both in the Project Gotham games.

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Just out of interest, how many of you guys are using the hand-held controllers compared to steering wheels?.....

Tempted to get one see.. :oops:

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The F1 car is pretty mental. If you can't win most races with it, you should be playing Tetris lol


I particularly noticed the missing Ferrari's - was looking forward to those :(

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I'm only at about 11%, but I just got the Mk1 Golf last night. How cool does it want to be!?! :)

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Can any of you gurus give me some tips for progressing in this game? I bought it yesterday and started from scratch. I have an 87' RX7 which served me ok in the eary stages, I've bought a skyline which I've tuned to about 480hp which is ok for some of the professional races.


I know I need to keep at it but I don't get a lot of time to play and will lose interest if I have to spend ages doing the same races to earn cash.


Do I just need to complete the beginner events to get a fast enough car to tackle the pro series or is there a better strategy?


I suppose I need to get my A class licence as well :mad:

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Save up £32000 and go to the Tuners Shop and into HPA Racing and buy the Bi-Turbo Golf R32 - It's pushing about 530Bhp and is good for completing alot of the races. However go into the special stages that has all the rallys in which is in the bottom left of the screen. Enter the second rally down which is 2 races on the same track (just opposite directions!)


When you win that race you get a Toyota Riad Rally Car - Sell it and it will earn you £265,000 credits!!

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Ok, so who's been playing with the photo mode? Anyone wanna post some pics of their favourite GT4 cars? I had a quick go with the Mk.1 Golf but I'm not particularly artistic! Of course, there could also be a "who can make the most hideous car?" competition....

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Save up £32000 and go to the Tuners Shop and into HPA Racing and buy the Bi-Turbo Golf R32 - It's pushing about 530Bhp and is good for completing alot of the races. However go into the special stages that has all the rallys in which is in the bottom left of the screen. Enter the second rally down which is 2 races on the same track (just opposite directions!)


When you win that race you get a Toyota Riad Rally Car - Sell it and it will earn you £265,000 credits!!


Cheers - great advice.. I've got both licences now and I've done the rally. All cars are obtainable now so I'm happy! Where abouts is the HPA Racing area?


Not impressed with my tuned S2000 though. The real thing better not be such a disapointment :roll:


Awesome game.. can't believe the graphics are that good. I've not played games for several years and the difference really shows.

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Rawhide, have u got the spoon s2000,,,,,i have and i think the handling is glued,,,although agree with ya on the performance even tuned its dire

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"EG just did 5.59 on GT4. The Griff recommended a Caterham 7 & EG obviously followed his advice and bought a 965bhp Minolta Toyota 88C/D (race car 89).


The car to have, I'm told, is a Sauber Mercedes C9 . In the interim, EG has just bought a Audi R8 & you can expect close on a 15s improvement. EVO track record stands at 5.26 set in a 92 Nissan R92CP Le Mans spec. We are confident that the record will fall within the next 48 hours.


Mike B & Gregg B Jnr, David Wood, the Griff & all other closet racers, stand no chance of going faster. I hear that Scott in his Spitfire is hoping to break the 1/2 hour mark, although may go faster in his 1911 Mercedes 1hp."


I guess this will mean something to some one? From the other forum ;O)

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Yes it is the ring but the times are unbelieveable whatever car you do it in.


Have a tape of Derek Bell in a 965 Porsche doing 6min 45s and that was quick.


The games do give you the correct line. I was practicing for my week at Spa next month on the GTR game with a GT3 Cup car. Excellent way to learn.


I have a drive in a full race 3.8RSR lined up so need to practice alot!



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Absolute shocker...put GT4 in me PS2 at the weekend, only to be confronted with a message telling me the save game data is corrupted! :cry:


I was about 20% through and now I have to start from the beginning again...bugger!

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Absolute shocker...put GT4 in me PS2 at the weekend, only to be confronted with a message telling me the save game data is corrupted! :cry:


I was about 20% through and now I have to start from the beginning again...bugger!


Was that with a Sony memory card?

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hey i havent got this game yet.... is it really as good as everyone says??? if so i'll pick it up on my way home tonight


quite simply YES


(and dont believe the hype about forza, from everything i have heard the only decent thing about it is it has a corrado)

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its alright, the cars dont go round corners though.


your not using the right cars then :lol:

the race prepped beemer and alfa 155 corner like they are on rails

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So pissed off, got about 30% complete and it said the data was corrupt and have had to start over :mad:

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Was that with a Sony memory card?


Nah, got a cheapo one. Haven't had any problems with it before, but I think one of my mates has been switching memory cards between slots for different games...

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