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VR6 Re-assembly

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I am currently in the process of re-assembling a VR6 after timing chain guide rail failure. I just have a couple of questions for any VR experts on here :)


The head has been reconditioned and I am happy with the condition of the bottom end, I have all new gaskets, head bolts, timing chains, guide rails etc.


I am also planning on replacing the lower timing chain cover seal (the one at the flywheel) and of course the clutch.


Someone also suggested I replace the water pump.


Has anyone got any other suggestions for replacing parts that are known to fail and would require a lot of work to replace when the engine is back in the car (a vento btw)


And if anyone has any links or any other information on VR6 reassembly it would be great as I didn't take the engine apart myself so I'll have to figure it out as I go along.


ps: this is what it looks like at the moment :lol:



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Tell me about it, you want to call down at the weekend and give me a hand :lol: I reckon I might have to dismantle the other one to give me an idea of what I'm doing :-P


Can I get a loan of that CD off you?

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I hope those parts on the dusty garage floor will be thoroughly cleaned if going back in the engine!


Good work though! Not much to a VR engine, in fact it's bloody tiny!


Don't suppose you could weigh it for us when complete mate as the question has been asked several times on here. Might need some major bathroom scales tho :D Could weigh the head and other parts seperately and add it all up afterwards I suppose?

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I'll see what I can do about weighing it. Obviously everything will be cleaned before reassembly, I just put it on the floor like that to sort out all the nuts and bolts and figure out what they were for. The engine arrived in the car in about 3 or 4 boxes and the block and head were in the boot.

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Update pic:


Set up bottom end timing and chain assembly, re assembled and refitted head, set up top end timing.


Not a bad way to spend a saturday night :lol: :roll:



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Hope you didn't use parts from the box in the background!!!


LOL - I suspect he probably did tho as Ford seem to be upto 50% cheaper than VW for VR6 parts...

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Nah the ford box was just for holding all the bits and pieces in, that's a good point about the ford parts though, I reckon in future I might be buying lots of parts for a galaxy vr6!


Since that picture was taken I have replaced the lower and upper timing covers, flywheel and water pump.

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Nah the ford box was just for holding all the bits and pieces in, that's a good point about the ford parts though, I reckon in future I might be buying lots of parts for a galaxy vr6!/quote]


Apparently (inside information) F$%d have upped their prices on galaxy vr6 parts because alot of veedub vr6 owners were going there quoting galaxy reg numbers and chassis numbers to get parts cheaper than going to vag. Obviously F$%d clicked on to this 'adventure' and changed their price listing!!


Ah well....it was good while it lasted!!!

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