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CaiosG60 PWR

My gearbox saga (finally finished)

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EDIT* Think I'll have a gearbox specialist take a look at that fifth. Its a bit border line I reckon. I really want to use a fifth like that and I hate to think what a new one from VW would cost. If I use it and it fecks up it wont break anything else because of its possition in the case. I could also probably replace it without removeing the gearbox from the car. aaahh, I'll probably just risk it! :lol:


Yep! I'm not a 0-60 man so that doesn't bother me, I built the box (well, Vince did!) for better traction and more mid-range acceleration


That was my intention with this build, first and second quite long for good traction. Then I used the shortest third and fourth to make the most of the traction and give good mid range acceleration. Finally a long fith for fuel ecconemy and less motorway cruising RPM for charger health.


When I worked out the ratios of the gears from counting there teeth, they all matched the info I'd found on the internet.


Here's the final pictures taken today! Need to get the diff bolts drilled tomorrow at a local machine works. Then reassmeble in the case and check it all with a dial gauge. :-P

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CaiosG60 PWR, you`ve gone a bit mad mate... but looking good!!!


OT broke my car already, only got 2wheel drive... lost a circlip and a pin fell out somewhere!!!


went to halfords, partco.. do they sell circlips??? NO!!!!


where did i get myself 1 from??? (free)


friendly VW dealer!! :lol:


prob the smallest car they`ve ever fixed :lol:



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Nice one Ben, I'll come around for a spin on your RC.



I've tried the gears back in the case today and it seams good. They line up well and with the case on it looks like there spot on.


I've also got the final drive gear off my old diff. Had a local machine shop drill the studs out, cost me a tenner. The problem I've got now is that the holes on the o2j diff are much bigger than that on the final drive gear. So either there are some suitable bolts or I get the final drive and diff drilled to take an m12 bolt. (would have to drill the diff too as the holes are 11.5mm, so would need to be drilled to fit 12mm bolt)


I think I'll give vince at stealth a ring to see if he can sell me some suitable bolts.

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Update! Its all sorted!!


The problem I'm describing above is only relevant on very early 02a boxes. The diff bolt size was increased 8 months into 02a production. So on most 02a and 02j the diff bolts holes are the same. (same part number for replacements I think)


I ended up geting some special bolts from Gary Pelquin in the US. Didnt have to drill the crown wheel or anything (o2a moddified he called them). I would recomend geting you diff/crown wheel bolts from him, VAG ones are £109 and Quaife ones £111!!! Gary chargers $30 to $44 depending on which ones. Mine arived in just two day all the way from the US aswell. Cost $90 including 2 day air shipping. Not bad.


ALmost went back togther without any hassle except the bolt that holds in the reverse shifter snapped while I was tourqeing it up. Took me about an hour with a drill and little screw driver to persuade the broken bit to come out with out knackering the thread!! aaargh


Well happy with the gear ratios I chose! There spot on! (just wish my charger hadnt broken so I could enjoy it some more)





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Glad you overcame the bolt problem. Gary P is such good value compared to Quaife. I so wanted a Pelly but it wasn't to be :( Never mind, the Quiff is a good substitute.


The bolts are a press fit. Some people make the mistake of pulling the bolts through the crown wheel using the nuts....no no! They MUST be pressed in fully before tightening the nuts so that the splines bite into the crown wheel properly, as I'm sure you discovered.


Well done mate, boxes aren't for the faint hearted, so congrats on a successful rebuild :wink:


Shame the charger pooped the party.

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Well, I wacked them in with a hammer before puting the nuts on them. ;-) :-) (probably not the best way but it worked) The spline on them drives into the diff and then stops them turning while you tighten the nuts. Very tought botls to score the diff like they do!

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LOL, that's as good a method as any I suppose :lol:


Yeah the bolts are a special very high tensile steel that are harder than the metal they're attached to :wink: They need to be! WAY WAY tougher than the silly rivets VW use.

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I forgot to mention while I was waiting for the crown wheels bolts from pelequin I got bored and polished my gearbox casing. (sad I know :lol: ) I didnt do an amazing job of it but its pritty shiney. I'll post some pictures in a bit when I find my data cable.

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CaiosG60 PWR, Did you ever find out a part umber for an 02j box with the same ratios as a VR6 but with 100mm flanges?


About to buy a mk3 golf 16v box but if theres an ideal 20vt box i'll hold out.


excellent thread btw!


oh and before anyone else says it, holy thread resurrection batman!!!

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The one I got did have the 100mm flanges and it was from a 20v non-turbo A3. The problem with that though was it had a really short final drive.


The best thing to do is ring around some scrappys and ask them to measure the flanges and ask what code it is. Then look the code up on the internet to check the ratios. I think pre 2000 20v are your best bet for a suitable box. It'd be good if you could get a scrappy to sell you some 100mm 02J flanges at a good price.


*and here the picture I never got around to posting:

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