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M15 VW

What do you get if.............

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what do u get if u have a gang of 12 kids, a corrado, a stone and boredom.......................



I am seriously going to have to kill someone :mad:


(and they would have had to walk down my drive to do it!!!! :mad: )

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what do u get if u have 20 angry corrado owners a gang of 12 kids baseball bats and anger?............Sweet revenge.


Im getting real pissed off with kids thesedays wearing there baseball caps pointed to the sky with the burberry and there tracksuit bottoms tucked into there socks, think there so invicible, think there s**t dont stink...well think again...little f*****s..wait till ya in the real world & somebody makes u suffer then you'll realise your the same as the rest of us & when that day comes ill be standing there pissing myself laughing.


Sorry to hear about this nikki, just one thing after another.

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This is at a new house!!!! Not brixton where the others shite happened but in my own driveway in bromley!!!!!!!!!! :mad:


Going to cost me £60 for the excess now!


i dont know who they are. they are some of the kids that hang out in the boarded up old social club next door. Im absolutely livid!


Im going to make room in the garage for my corrado tomorrow. Ive had enough.

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sorry to see that it`s just not fair!!


at least it wasn`t the bodywork, i`m sure that`d cost more than £60


wrap it in bubblewrap

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I wonder what the world is coming to. I really do.

Had someone key mine (nearside door and rear) 18 months ago, put it through the insurance, £250 excess but protected no claims so almost ok.

Then 6 months later someone did it again. Def not the same person as first time was in Ipswich and second in Bristol.


I was gutted, I feel for you.

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well im going to clear the garage out tomorrow and hide it away. If anyone breaks into the garage and does something i really will kill someone!

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M15 VW, I'll lend you the plans to my alarm system... anyone breaks into the garage, the alarm will be the last thing they ever hear! ;) :twisted:


I can't believe the cruddy luck you're having... hope you manage to catch the little sods that did it... ;)

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if you catch them what are you going to do ? i hope for your sake you dont catch them , the law is all on their side...ask the woman who's in prison on hunger strike at the moment :(


i feel for you , i've been there ......

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F*cking hell nikki I can't believe your cars been f*cked about with yet again. Get it in the garage and get a couple of decent padlocks.

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bstrds! going back a couple of years a mate and me 'allegedly' caught a pikey stealing the wing mirrors of a S3. Car wasn't anything to do with us, but we 'allegedly' kicked the f**k out of him anyway.


that'll learn 'em.

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Sorry to hear about the the bad luck MI5 VW.

Keep your chin up, repair it and try to move on......We're all vulnerable when in love :-) lol. I know i would feel the same if it happened to me.

Bristolbaron... I hope you got away with that and caused lasting damage.

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Nikki, the car is cursed!


Seriously though, that is terrible :( Some idiots smashed 4 or 5 windscreens in my street the other night- stopped just short of my car! Phew!


Are those the rear lights I did?8) Took me ages :wink:

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Nikki, the car is cursed!


Seriously though, that is terrible :( Some idiots smashed 4 or 5 windscreens in my street the other night- stopped just short of my car! Phew!


Are those the rear lights I did?8) Took me ages :wink:


No they are not, when i got it it had standard ones on it. I did these ones :D

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thats better, i wish i had a garage to store mine in.

henny's alarm system sounds interesting,

you can buy shotgun mines from the back of some bike mags that fire a blank shotgun cartridge to scare people when you trigger them but with these little feckers it might be worth using proper shotgun cartridges :mad:

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thats better, i wish i had a garage to store mine in.

henny's alarm system sounds interesting,

you can buy shotgun mines from the back of some bike mags that fire a blank shotgun cartridge to scare people when you trigger them but with these little feckers it might be worth using proper shotgun cartridges :mad:


That sounds good to me!

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Miss VW - you don't have much luck do you! - lucky it didn't hit the paint tho...


I'm living on a new 'estate' now which is growing pretty big with new houses and altho i've had no trouble whatsover, i'm seeing more and more kids walking about (of the Cheltanem Average variety) so i'm thinking of sticking a wireless video camera up outside and record any movement over the network - anyone got a setup like this??

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'His' new home????


Aren't all cars a 'her'...like ships???

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