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I hit a BIG bird

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I hit a Dam turkey vulture on the highway this morning. Big freakin birds, about 2-3' tall. He took off from the side of the highway and couldn't get enough altitude in time. No where I could go as there was alot of traffic. I guess I was kinda lucky as it only smashed my drivers side mirror to bits. If I had hit him square in the windshield he definitely would have come through it. Oh by the way, when they figure out that they aren't going to clear in time they lighten the load of what ever they were eating, don't ask me how I know.


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ugh :pukeright: Glad you got off so lightly... those things have got to weigh quite a bit... :|

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Bloody hell thats gotta cause a mess :shock: glad your ok bud. At least these apparently realise there about to hit something, unlike swans & geese over here that just keep flying totally oblivious to the lorry there about to fly into....dont ask! its a messy story.

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Think yourself lucky it wasn't a frozen turkey.......


Best wishes




...fired from a canon at your windshield? ;) :lol: (or was that a chicken?!?)

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...fired from a canon at your windshield? ;) :lol: (or was that a chicken?!?)


I've seen footage of aeroplane testers firing frozen chickens at aeroplane screens and into the jet engines!

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good innit? They were supposed to NOT be frozen to simulate bird strikes... Frozen ones tend to do a weee bit more damage (like totally destroying the windscreen, cockpit and rear cockpit wall! :crazyeyes: :lol: )

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Yes, I think that it was to test the capacity to survive bird-strike. It all went wrong because the tests were failed dismally.


Only afterwards did someone discover that, instead of using the specified fresh birds, some bright spark had been down to Tesco and got frozen ones.


It's probably one of those stories that got more and more embellished with every telling but it's good for a laugh, especially after a couple of pints.......unless of course it was your company's windscreen or multi-million-pound jet engine that was totalled in the process.


Best wishes



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I love how this story changes, we have a bird strike test here on site!


They even did a test on Myth Busters to prove/disprove this story, and it was busted, dont make too much difference if frozen or not!

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No, you're thinking of the time they fired Egyptian Mummies at aeroplanes. Quite a regular occurence over there apparently.

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i have seen footage of frozen and thawed birds (not sure what they where) being fired at aircraft canopies and screens by a very powerfull compressed air cannon, showing the benefits of laminating the glass, it does smash the glass but prevents decompression and keeps the broken screen together


i have also seen footage of small dead birds being fired into turbines but they werent frozen and there wasnt much left of them afterwards



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I love how this story changes, we have a bird strike test here on site!


They even did a test on Myth Busters to prove/disprove this story, and it was busted, dont make too much difference if frozen or not!


Its like hitting water, that's soft til you do it at 500 miles an hour then it suddenly becomes HARD. :roll:


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Yeah, seen some of those birds in our nightclubs....not as well dressed though :D[/quot


Guffaw PMSL


That's gotta be quote of the week

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dont make too much difference if frozen or not!


I thought they had to use frozen ones so they left the cannon in one piece - the fresh ones just turned to flying paste as soon as they left the barrel at the speeds required for the test.

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