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One of the closest and most entertaining finishes to a GP in years.


And with 4 laps remaining ITV go to an ad break :x then return with nearly half of the final lap already run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time the BBC had it back i think :D

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just goes to show that advertising drives ITV, not the viewing pleasure of it's customers - nor the content of it's shows.


UK TV is becoming more like the states every day, and we've got Murdock to thank for it. (not the A-Team loon, although him running a TV station would surely end in hysterical results). :lol:



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Yep.. though they did show the laps afterwards..


They still need a slap :lol:

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One of the closest and most entertaining finishes to a GP in years.


And with 4 laps remaining ITV go to an ad break :x then return with nearly half of the final lap already run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time the BBC had it back i think :D


totally agree with that, p'd me off also

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I dont understand why they can "pause it" so you can return to the race where the adverts kicked in, i mean if you can get the technology for your own tv, they must be able to record and delay transmission til the break is over.

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That was total shit! Good to see Schuey back on top form though - shows everyone who wrote him off. Looks good for the rest of the season now - which pleases me as I'm off to Monza!

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I was so livid I started to email them during the break but the site was experiencing 'technical difficulties'

But got on there after Tx finished and expressed my disgust and asked which of the MUPPETs they'd signed up as the Producer.


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I shouted at the TV when they went to the break with 3laps to go, could not believe they would be so stupid :mad:

especially after the race was over they went straight into a break anyhow, then cut off the press conference, so couldn`t find out what Button excuse was :scratch:

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One of the closest and most entertaining finishes to a GP in years.


And with 4 laps remaining ITV go to an ad break :x then return with nearly half of the final lap already run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time the BBC had it back i think :D


Here, here!!!!!!!!



They had only just had a fecking break and the minute it finished they had another fecking break!!!!!


I dont see them having breaks during the first and seconds halfs of football matches so why the feck should we put up with them!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


I'm gonna count how many breaks there are when the next gp is on. It'll be a shock am sure at the number!





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