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parking in the street !

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hi guys


its been my ambition to own a VR6 for 8 years now!!!


finally im in a position to afford a VR6, however i live in central london in your average victorian street. no off road parking, it would be out there with the rest of them at the mercy of shitty parkers and rugrats. dont know why im so concerned as there are 25k cars out there, but you know how it is, its the corrado with the sign on it saying ATTENTION!!!

it would be a second car, so the only thing i can think of is to put an all weather cover on it when not in use.

are there many of you having to put your pride and joy out on the street, and whats been your experience?. is it worth it the copromise/risk? :roll:


fantastic site, a real inspiration to me.



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There was a bit of a debate regarding covers a wee while back,but it only covered (Hmm) the issues of types of covers and how some breath.

worth a read though :-)

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I think whatever car you have parking in the street is a bit of a risk. I used to live in a small victorian type street and TWICE some idiot has driven into my car. Luckily this was before the 'rado and now I live in a quiet village with a big drive :wink:


oh, and welcome to the site!! :D

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I live on a main bus route, parking is reasonably tight, and there is traffic up and down the road all day. Amazingly i've never had anything more than the odd light scuff on my bumper.. never even lost a wing mirror!


I know that in London its probably likely to be a little different though.. and it helps that some of my neighbours actually care about their cars, and know how much I care about mine..

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thanks guys


ive only been here for 18 months, so not moveing any time soon. the cover was to stop the casual twat, what they dont see they dont think about.

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sane, problem is it doesn't work like that... they'll see the cover and either

a) set fire to the cover and your car with it

or B) just steal the cover... :roll:


I've left mine on the street since January 'cos my garage is full of 2 other cars that are in bits... Nothing's happened to mine as of yet...


*finds a big bit of wood to touch*

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I have to park mine on the street as I live in a flat, as long as you're in an OK area, and the neighbours are all right (and of course you have a Cat 1 on it) then I reckon you'd be all right. I'm currently touching the wooden desk that this keyboard's on, but I've had no problems since November...

I wouldn't bother with the cover though tbh, just make sure it's well waxed, waxoyled etc.

Welcome top the forum man,


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*finds a big bit of wood to touch*


;) :lol:


Sorry, can't really offer any useful advice. My car stays on my driveway or in the parking outside work, so it's not really a problem.


I'd feel a bit jumpy leaving it on the street in London, but it really is down to exactly where you live and what your street is like.


I certainly wouldn't go putting a cover on it because that will definitely attract attention/matches/theiving gits.

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