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Unhappy chavvy

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Had to mention this as nearly pmsl on the drive to work just now

H plate Civic vti up my chuff through town who then gets fractious coz I've held back for a few hundred yards to give a wee lass doing her cycling proficiency lesson plenty of room and time to negotiate the roundabout. Come out behind a big earth moving truck and matey thinks he'll have me. Being rather familiar with this piece of road I know we are going to be behind the truck for a while so I let him go (just, tee hee), my what a noise he made. Then watch him getting increasingly frustrated not being able to pass it till it (and he) went different ways at traffic lights.

Har har.


For everything else there's a Corrado.

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I love it when people try and prove something and then come a cropper.


Saw a Saxo 1.1 being driven by a chav at lunchtime and he went speeding over a roundabout, but didn't bargain on a prick in a BMW just pulling onto the roundabout (Saxo had right of way) without looking and wallop :lol: It was minor bumper/side scuffage but both had some strong words for eachother.


I just trundled past on my way to tesco and enjoyed the show :D

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"I just trundled past on my way to tesco and enjoyed the show"


hanging out your window pointing and soiling your fresh panties?

i know i would

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No mate, I was on foot :D


Being on foot is soooo much better as you really do appreciate how utterly f'ckin stupid some people look with their music blasting and driving like idiots :D

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When walking you are more aware of your surroundings and more alert, but you can just see these chavs totally immersed in their own little worlds inside their tin cans.....and they invariably make stupid mistakes....such as driving into BMWs...which is always a joy to watch :D


I never blast music in urban areas as it DOES affect concentration and there's too many kids on the sides of the road this time of the year.....

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Yeah I do notice the rado gets much more attention from chavs wanting to have a go. I never got any such reaction on the road when I had the mrk iv or even the new A3.


That said I never got notes on my windscreen in the golf or A3 from people wanting to buy the car !

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"there's too many kids on the sides of the road this time of the year....."

so thats where all that red shit came from! what a total bugger to clean off!

baked on kid giblets is tougher to remove than baked on flies!

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I never blast music in urban areas as it DOES affect concentration and there's too many kids on the sides of the road this time of the year.....


Likewise. I'm not adverse to cranking it up on the motorway, need to drown out the drone and of recent the increasingly annoying wheel bearing rumble!


There's no need for it around town, unless you're driving a Corsa/Nova/Twatwagon. Even then it's only so people can follow you home and strip your car of the stereo which is worth 10 times more than said Twatwagon.

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Even then it's only so people can follow you home and strip your car of the stereo which is worth 10 times more than said Twatwagon.


Absolutely....but then the people that drive these cars and do these things don't have the common sense/intelligence to realise this, so let the chavs steal from eachother and kill eachother off so the rest of us can get on with our lives in peace :D

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Absolutely....but then the people that drive these cars and do these things don't have the common sense/intelligence to realise this, so let the chavs steal from eachother and kill each other off so the rest of us can get on with our lives in peace :D


I think it was Darwin that came up with the theory behind that. :lol:


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:lol: I do crank my stereo up when I'm on motorways etc but I do feel extremely self conscious when I get into town and it's still turned up. It's also quite annoying and slightly disorientating because it disconnects you from what's going on around you.


Still, if chavs in tin cans want to go on smashing into each other in then that's fine with me :)

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Ah Darwin, father of evolution - the progress of life. Sadly, Chavs = progress?


If anyone needs me, I'll be on the Galapagos Islands proving Mr D wrong!

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I think it was Darwin that came up with the theory behind that. :lol:



I think the book '1980' is about using plebs to the minority of intelligent people's advantage :D

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Could be 1984, I haven't read it yet either but a mate who has said it's basically about society's minions supporting the rich/intelligent people, LOL!

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fantastic book.... Watch out for Big Brother... Think it's already come true though...


*go back to sleep - There's nothing to see here.... *

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Must've been a day for 'drivers' as when turning right at a semi-largish roundabout into a quiet turning (most people just plow straight across) - indicating correctly, slowly negotiating the roundabout in the right lane, etc, the ahead road now to my left I witness a white beaten up Mondeo lock it riiiight up to avoid hitting me on the roundabout.


I smiled, waved at him and drove accross his now 1m-over-the-line nose and into my junction.


Happy days! :)

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Best chav story like this I heard was not long after one of my good mates bought a tatty but rapid Celica.


Driving down the road casually one sunny afternoon on the way back to work, some chav in a Nova pulls out of a junction and proceeds to tailgate him down this long straight bit of road. This was populated, busy pedestrian type street so my mate was doing the limit and this Nova driver decided that wasn't enough so dropped it a gear and went to overtake my mate.. my mate waited for him to get alongside him and just dabbed the gas and proceeded to leave Nova boy trailing in his dust before returning to sensible speeds, point proven.




And yeah, you're right Kev.. when you are walking, you tend to realise that muppets with loud exhausts blasting around everywhere just look silly and not quite as cool as they think they look!

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