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losing no claims

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After the mrs (named seconded driver) had a crash in my mk4 polo (write off) it seems that the bus driver who did it has decided to try shift the blame onto us, anyway what happens if both parties don't claim liability will i loose my 3 years no claims (not protected, i'm only tpft) or do i get to keep them? I have legal cover so have a solicitor working on it on my behalf but i've been told that its gonna be long winded as getting money from the bus company always takes ages :( , worst thing was i have my corrado ready on the driveway and was waiting until nov to use these no claims to insure it, well gutted. My car had three people in it one passenger who was taken to hospital to have some cuts seen to, i've been advised to emphasise this heavily when putting in my claim. anybody been in a similar position did you loose your ncd? Any advice would be much appreciated :D

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You will always lose your no claims if your insurance company cannot recoup ALL it's costs, doesn't matter who does or doesn't claim liability.

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I'm not so sure tho Mat - If it goes 50/50 it means that neither party is admitting liability so surely the claim is non fault...

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different policies are....well....different policies.....


your best off ringing and speaking to your insurance. They should be able to tell you exactly what your policy states with regards to the loss of no claims. :cat:

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Had "issues" with my insurance company recently, sent me out three sets of documents with the wrong registration, and charged me £20 each time I changed the registration for my white one from B19 VWC to H953 XSE and then when I got the blue one from J*** TRX to B19 VWC :mad:


Got the amended policy through today and when I read the small print they have got my no claims as "non-protected" and claim that I never asked for it to be protected when I took out the policy. Yeah right, like I would want to lose three years worth if no-claims discount if I had to claim on this policy...... :roll: Normally, one lose between 1-3 yrs of no-claims if you make a claim on a policy that has not got a protected no-claims term agreed (I know to my cost as I lost 3 years no-claims discount back in 1998 when my Nova :oops: was stolen and burnt-out).



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I'm not so sure tho Mat - If it goes 50/50 it means that neither party is admitting liability so surely the claim is non fault...


Fault is not the issue. Claim is...

If the claim goes 50/50, both insurance companies have to pay out for the accident repairs (probably) and therefore both people lose their no-claims and wind up paying more insurance.

Can you see why 50/50 is the most common settlement amongst insurance companies?

Anyway, 50/50 is a bad example - it's really suggesting that both drivers were equally at fault.

Some companies are now offering protected no claims that last "forever" and stuff, but it's still described as a no-claims bonus, not a "didn't make a mistake" bonus.


Even in cases where someone admits liability or is clearly at fault, the person who is not-at-fault will lose their no-claims bonus if they have to make a claim - i.e. if the other insurance company does not cover all their costs aswell! And this includes things like courtesy cars, legal advice, towing, hotels, car storage, recovery and so on... If ANY of these costs go against your own policy you lose your no-claims. (Unless it's protected.)


Most insurance companies won't protect a policy with less than 4 years of no-claims.

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