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Brand New Camper

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Hi all,


Anyone fancy one of these VW Camper?


The options list prices are a bit scary! Reckon the spec I would want would come in at about £23k so unless a lottery win is imminent I will be sticking to my rado and a tent!

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£23k? Mine came in at £27K! :| That's alorra dosh, although it's a kinda cool way to spend it... 8)

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cant help but think you could buy an older one and get it refurbed for a hell of alot less than that, but its nice to see campers are still being produced! i thought it was just beetles the mexicans were making.

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Dunno about getting an older one and costing you less. Wouldn't cost that much less as they do go for top dollar!!! Particularly if you want an old split screen.


Saw an old, totally rusted knackered split screen a little while ago going for £9K

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Splitties are the only Campers to get. Anything else is just a crappy aircooled piece of junk.


The problem is, splitties do go for stupid money, for what is essentially a crappy aircooled piece of junk with a split screen. :lol:


I'd love a splitty pickup tho 8)

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dinkus, the bay window type2s were air cooled too.... they even used the same engine as the split screen vans... :roll: :p


[/ex-type2 bay window owner]

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It's hardly a fair comparison comparing a tin box on wheels with a Porsche 911 is it? Yeah, ok they both have air-cooled engines, yeah they both came from the same factory/designer.


Yes, a 911 is cool if you like that kind of thing.

No, a bay window Camper is not cool.

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Ah, but your arguement was going along the lines of "it's aircooled and therfore crappy..." Just 'cos it's aircooled, doesn't make it crappy...


My Bay van was VERY cool... It was MUCH lower than your Corrado was, had a Porsche engine in it, did a 15.8second 1/4 mile AND PULLED WHEELEYS! :crazyeyes: :lol:


Just 'cos it's not a splitty, don't mean that they can't be cool... ;)

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campers are cool if you like that kind of thing...

beastie boys fans steal your badge alot henny? (of course it wasnt me...)

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:lol: My argument was it's a crappy air-cooled junk. Which if you've got the standard engine in there, it is.


Still seems a little pointless having a mentally fast Camper tho. The slightest whiff of a corner/cross wind and it'll be in a ditch.


And you look like some kind of hippie driving one :)

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dinkus, OK, so you got me on the cornering thing... that's the same with all type 1 and 2 VWs... :lol: :oops:


The reason I bought it was 'cos the previous owner took me out in it, made it wheeley and then managed to get the back end out around a roundabout and then go around the second roundabout (double roundabout setup thing... :| ) pretty much backwards... :crazyeyes:


Ah... I was young and impressionable back then... Now I take a car that DOES handle well and make it go faster than it was supposed to! :lol: :oops: :twisted:

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I thought you meant the New camper that was shown as a prototype at a few shows a couple of years ago.Now that was cool 8)

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Well that's my point. At least the splitties have some old-skool charm, even if they are junk.


The bay-window ones are just junk :)


Cool about the wheelies though. If a just a little scary ;)

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little scary? I nearly shat myself the first time the previous owner made it do it... :lol:


That's what finally killed my van off... the shock to the chassis eventually caused most of the slightly rusty box sections to crumble... :( I stripped it and sold it for spares and made a tidy profit though! 8)

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Do you mean this one? From memory it was 4wd and had one of the VW V6 engines. Now thats cool!


Porsche engine transfer would be very cool in the danbury camper but think of the cost :shock:

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  Henny said:
little scary? I nearly shat myself the first time the previous owner made it do it... :lol:


:lol: "made you do it" :lol:


And yup, I'll have to agree that does look the daddy 8)

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I can promise you campers are cooooooool as fuck!! We've got two, one has absolutely had it and was rescued from a breakers before it was crushed. Some of the panels on it are okay though. :lol:


The other one drives great for a camper but is in need of major body work restoration. Which will hopefully be done for next year all types show. Picture of it posted below, rat look or what!!!


There really good fun though no mater what condition there in. You can drive to a beach with your mates go swimming have a barbecue, drink, etc then sleep in the camper and drive home next day. Its also the best thing you can have to take to music festivals always attracts a party. It would be great to take to inters or something but I couldn’t be arsed to drive it that far.

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