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chris g

Autoclosing windows?

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I have a 2.0 16v on a '93 K. Should the windows close when I lock the car or is it an extra or am i talking out my arse?





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When you turn the key to lock the car, hold it in that position (to the right I think).


The windows and sunroof should then close. NB the windows (if both are open) will close one after the other.

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I have a 1.8 16v on a j plate and I have this window closing feature. When you turn the key to lock the car make sure you hold it in that position. On mine I turn it anti clockwise.

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Also depends on the alarm you've got. VR6 has covered the factory way I think, but the after market alarms will almost certainly do things differently. Plus, it depends if your alarm has that feature, eg the Toad alarms are modular and need the total closure module to be added.

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Also depends on the alarm you've got.


nah - actually it was a factory standard function - All the later cars will do windows and sunroof from the drivers lock - whether an alarm is fitted or not!

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well shut my mouth, I was under hte impression that the total closure function was on the alarm not the car. coo, good to know.

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Yeah it should be on the car. The alarm just utilises this feature, so checking it via the key is the best way to determine if the car does it.

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if it only works from one sides lock, the odds are that the handle's been replaced with one that's not got the switches built into it (cheap copy) or hasn't had the wiring connected up again inside the door...

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Seeing as some of the early 2.0 16V C's had late body / early interior would this mean that they may not have the closing sunroof feature?


I'd imagine that some of the late G60 owners could answer this seeing as they have the same late / early mix...


(mine does windows and s/roof) My alarm uses the factory closure feature by extending the 'lock' pulse for long enough to mimic the key being held in the lock position 8)

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kinda off subject, but not... has anyone de-locked there car and de-pinned car aswell and the been clever enough to wire up a switch to lock/unlock the doors using the existing loom some how?

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kinda off subject, but not... has anyone de-locked there car and de-pinned car aswell and the been clever enough to wire up a switch to lock/unlock the doors using the existing loom some how?


Need a rocker switch to feed a +ve pulse onto the control lines for the locking. Have a look at the side of the fusebox where the wires come out of the door. You'll pobably see where the alarm is hooked up to the locking system.


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