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Biggest cock-ups

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When at college, I was driving me and my girlfriend and a mate back from her brother's uni in her Skoda Estelle 135. Foolishly, she said that her brother'd got it up to 95mph, so of course I had to take up the challenge. On a downhill stretch, I saw the needle reach 94.5 before a sudden lack of power (OK, it's all relative). I looked in the rear-view mirror, and a massive cloud of steam was following us down the motorway. The head gasket had gone. Fortunately, someone had AA, and ten hours later we ended up back at her parents' place. Her old man said to me 'I'm not being funny, but normally when the head gasket goes, it's because you were giving it a bit of welly. How fast were you going?' I said '70 to 75mph'. He when nuts. Thank god I didn't tell him the truth!


This was on the embarassing moment thread:


But the big C sometimes has some central locking issues - the pins sometimes get sucked down and need to be unscrewed from the inside - neither the remote locking nor key locking work. Only way in is through the boot.

On one occasion, I had this problem at a car wash (I know, I know, I'm a lazy git). Trouble is, the machine was broken, so I had to go and get another code from the geezer in the shop to get it started after the initial jet wash. I entered the code, and then tried to get back in the car, but as detailed before, I couldn't. In the mean time, the sprayers all started, and in front of two or three others waiting by this time (and general petrol station traffic) I first panicked, trying to get in, but then had to give up and watch the car be washed from the outside. And then climb in through the boot to unlock it. Brilliant.

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Not happened to me, but an acquaintance.


This was about the time you're 17 going on 18, people taking their driving tests all over the place. My friend received a mint Fiat Uno for passing his test and he set about kitting it out.


A few weeks later he appeared at school with tinted windows, custom built sound system setup and being at the impressionable age, most thought it was the thing.


A few weeks after this, he appears at school, sans Fiat. He was blaring the music so loud while driving on the motorway, he forgot to change from 2nd. Suffice to say, his rear wheels drove over the gearbox at some point.


Moral of the story: Don't let a peroxide blonde guy anywhere the steering wheel of you car.




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I've got one.......


One day my boyfriend was jacking up my car using a trolley jack. It didn't look too stable to me so I lean down and point at it and say 'that doesn't look too.....(BIG CRUNCH).... safe'. Bloody jack had slipped and I now had a big dent in the sill of my car :x .

Luckily this was my previous car, not my rado.

Moral of this story.......Make sure the trolley jack is stable!!


She thinks i dont read her post! Yes it was my bad but is was a clio and sh1t. the new shape of the sill was rather eye catching

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Well I just found out yesterday that my auntie got pulled over for driving too slow.


Suprised my dad aint got a life scentence now!



(they thought shed been drinking when she hadnt but i thought it was hilarious!)

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seem to be a few cavalier references in this thread so here's another...

was giving it some on my way home from work in my cav sri 130 with newly aquired 'recon' engine a good few years ago. music really quite loud. smoking etc. thought i might be able to hear a funny noise but didn't think much of it.

then the track on the stereo finished and there was the most godawful noise you ever heard coming from the engine bay.

when i managed to cruise to a garage and park up i found a rather large piece of block on the floor underneath, a large hole and 4.5 litres of oil on thr floor!

moral of the story? NEVER EVER even for a second consider getting a vauxhall. a) chav b) complete pony

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