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Beaten by a bloody Golf...????????????

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You whinging gits....FFS take it up with Vince instead of griping on the forum about a bit of extra oil in the sump. It won't do jack to the cat.

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I intend to take it up with Stealth, and I'm sure they'll be extremely helpful in response.

I was in fact asking for advice on the best way to get the oil OUT of the engine.

How come it's such bad CF etiquette to talk about Stealth's mistakes? If it was a VW dealer we were talking about no-one here would bat an eyelid. :roll:

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Wrongly assuming things again and I was including Mark in my post too.


No one has said Stealth are beyond criticsm, it's the moaning that goes on and said moaners still go there, rather than finding an alternative solution :roll:

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Draining the oil shouldn't be too hard, run the car till its hot, then undo the drain plug a little bit at a time and let the oil drain out slowly, might take 5 minutes or so but better than an overheating car cos of too much oil.


Alternatively, you can get sump pumps from boat chandlers designed for pumping oil out fo an engine throught the dipstick tube.

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Draining the filter housing is the easiest, 6mm allen socket and it holds about a 1/2 litre. So you if you're a litre over max (estimated), drain the filter housing, run engine for 30 seconds or so, drain again.


It's only a few mins work.

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Wrongly assuming things again and I was including Mark in my post too.


No one has said Stealth are beyond criticsm, it's the moaning that goes on and said moaners still go there, rather than finding an alternative solution :roll:


I only assume this because it says so on the oil cap, in the Bentley manual and various local mechanics have also stated this. I have said "CAN" damage the CAT, which it can.


This doesn't detract from the fact that this is a pathetic oversight (along with others) and seems to happen continuously. Maybe the "oil filler" should be sacked.


I have called it a day with all mechanics, I was satisfied with the way Stealth handled my problems, but I won't be returning. Having to check over work which cost thousands of pounds is ridiculous and a joke.


Yes Kev I know how much you like Vince (I like him too), but this is a forum for Corrado owners, everyone should be allowed to tell their tale. Keeping it strictly between customer and mechanic is not right, I don't want to see slating on this forum but I also don't want to see freedom of speech removed.

If Stealth (or others) rectify any problems then again let people inform us on the forum. Trying to protect Stealth with this "untouchable" shield is wrong.


Like the Dr said if this was a VW dealer in question we would all be going mad.

We should be helping each other not helping a company with its profit margins, no matter how nice the guy who runs it is.

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Well i've always had work done to my satisfaction with Stealth and will always continue to reccomend them to people and use them for any work I need doing.. but as you say this is an open forum and obviously its only fair to share your various experiences with the companies you deal with on and off.


We try to be fair here, and we won't be attempting to censor comments levelled at guys like Stealth regardless of how many positive experiences there are outweighing the negative ones.

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Please don't get me wrong, I regard Stealth as the best in the business, but should I be checking over any work undertaken?

If things are to be checked after a particular time/mileage then I should be informed.


Unfortunately I have found it impractical to keep using Stealth for my C's needs. Stealth are good, very good, but I have started to consider it a gamble rather than a purchase to deal with any mechanic, and I'm no gambler.

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I think at the end of the day, however careful you are, there is an element of human error with anything and we ae all human!


Admittedly tho garages do have an extra responsibility because they are working on soemthing can could potentially cause injury if work is not done correctly.


I know I personally wouldn't trust myself to work in a garage, working on other peoples cars under pressure to a timescale and with all the distractions I'd not trust myself... I my IT job the worst i can really do is loose a customers data, annoying but not the end of the world...

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Mark, trust me, your cat is fine. I've over filled my engine with oil ever since I've had it. It's a difficult engine to get right on the nail after a hot oil change. I still can't do it after 3 years and 10+ changes.


Anyway, when I took my cat off (original one) to replace it with a bypass, I shone a torch in it and the elements are absolutely perfect, despite years of the sump being over filled.


The label on the filler cap is to protect VW from paying out for Cats, no other reason.


When they say 'overfill', they mean overfill, like 2 litres plus over the max so that the crank is constantly slapping the oil with every rotation....1 litre over does feck all to the cat. Just gradually let the engine burn it off, or drain the filter.


Excessively rich mixtures kill off cats far quicker than oil contamination and your lambda has been inactive, for how long now?


OK, this feeling that Stealth are hidden behind a Vale of protection. Sorry you feel that way, it's not true. Vince reads the forums and accepts that any business has to accept the rough with the smooth. He gets on with it and doesn't take things personally. I've had numerous issues with Stealth. All of which I've addressed directly with Vince. I just don't feel the need to run them down on here because Graham is a little lax with the oil.


He is genuinely concerned that some of his customers are unhappy and I can say that people going there since our little chat have noticed a change.


For me there is no one else and if that comes across as totally biased, well tough really.


So I leave it you to decide if you want to continue using his services or not. I don't blame you if you decide not to. You've had some issues that have quite understandably left a bad taste in your mouth.


And VW? WTF? Why are we even putting VW morons in the same discussion as Stealth? VW technicians would rather stick wasps up their arses than do the chains on a VR, and if they did do it they'd charge the earth for it.

So Stealth are having a bad patch, jees, what company doesn't? They're still floating though, so that would suggest more customers are satisfied than disatisifed.

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[Just to clarify one point, not wishing to drag out any more Stealth vs VW vs whatever discussion (because I think everything relevant has been said), a cat that "fails" due to oil contamination doesn't do so because it gets blocked: the oil prevents the cat from operating correctly in the chemical sense, so although it will flow air ok, you may find that your emissions start to creep up, and it'll fail an MOT or something.]


Other than this minor point, I agree with Kev actually. Stealth's +ves outweigh some of the little niggles, and that's mainly cos they're totally happy to stick hands in the air, accept responsibility and put right what may have been overlooked or gone wrong.


There's just something about these Corrados. I seem to spend a lot of my time having warranty work done because of poor quality OEM or otherwise parts. Most cars I've owned it's always been much more simple. You buy a bit, you fit it, it works... It's the Corrado curse I swear ...


And with you on the fuelling-killing-catalysts thing too - my VR had to have a replacement cat at 6 years and 40k miles due to a misfire that had been driven through too long...! I kid you not - I have a service receipt where they replaced the leads, plugs, coil pack .. and catalyst...

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I think that might be why some VR6s are bad now, because previous owners drove through constant issues without getting them sorted, as yours did.


It's been shown that driving a VR that runs too hot constantly eventually lunches the head gasket and sometimes scratches one or more bores.


It's a funny engine.... it's so smooth and refined that average joes don't even notice when cam sensors are out, don't look at the temp gauge, only do oil changes at 12K or whatever and certainly don't lift the bonnet to check for leaks etc.


On the Stealth thing.... yeah, that is what I was trying to get at, when mistakes happen, they are very quick to sort them and don't make BS excuses.

Stealth even sort things that are borderline customer negligence/known faults and their work. In short, they are open minded and will help as best they can. I'm mega fussy and despite the blunders I've personally experienced, I'd still go there if they forgot to put a sump on an engine rebuild.

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And VW? WTF? Why are we even putting VW morons in the same discussion as Stealth? VW technicians would rather stick wasps up their arses than do the chains on a VR


:lol: Very good!


Believe me Kev, I'm not running Stealth down, like I said I think they're number 1. If that's how I'm coming across it wasn't intended.


I just get p*ssed off when I have to take time off work, pay out for fuel to get there and back in 2 cars, just to get silly problems sorted.


Anyway TBH I'm getting bored with the whole thing

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Mark, I hear you mate. Everytime I go to Stealth that's a day's pay I lose. So on top of what I have done, it costs me £XXX extra effectively :?


That's why I try and go up on Saturdays...... but the jobs I save up for them can't be done in 4 hours unfortunately.


Bored? Nah you're not.... if you do get bored though, you could always get a Golf V5 as it's faster than a Storm with a Schrick :lol:

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Bored? Nah you're not.... if you do get bored though, you could always get a Golf V5 as it's faster than a Storm with a Schrick :lol:


:lol: Cheeky git!


I'm sorry mate, I've been feeling pretty low over the last month and things are really getting at me lately. I'm even taking it out on my wife and kids just 'cos my fan belt has come off again!

So if anyone has found me curt, rude or offensive over the last few weeks then I apololize.

Once I get sorted and get out of this bloody house I'll be back outside polishing the C :)


You always thought you had it hard when you were a kid. :lol: Kids are lucky naive fools.

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No need to apologise chap. I was made redundant in 2001 from Royal and Feckin back stabbing SunAlliance, so I understand what you're probably going through. I stung them with a chunky payout though :lol:


What with the gearbox etc and that....what a year you've had :?


Curt Shmurt.... sometimes things come across wrongly on forums.


You've got a nice car and I STILL maintain yours has the best idle of ANY VR6 I've ever seen/driven..... so keep it nice and look after it, with or without stealth :wink:

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Awwwww... you guys ;) You're all happy bunnies again ;)


I have to say i'm definately due a visit to see Vince - sommat not quite right with my Golf under braking and its one of those things you could do without slacking off on getting sorted :|

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