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Honda civic - type R race

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Interesting, 4Pot Brembo's too! wonder if they fit the Corrado then?

220BHP and a 6speed.

I remember driving one of these 5cyl turbo's and thinking that the door wirrors were w@nk cos they are so small you just can't see much.




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My mates got a 20v turbo coupe... I can tell you from experience they have a visco-drive LSD system handling all the shenanigans. His modded one is now pulling something like 250bhp and more torque!!


I think fiats get a lot of out-of-date stick really.. I mean how many corrados have failed spoilers, heater dials, sunroofs etc. I've gotta defend the Fiat Coupe and say from what I know they really are put together well.


The chassis does definitely struggle with the power, even with the LSD, on the Bedford Autodrome we were getting severe understeer and lots of tyre graining. The weight split is also something like 67/33% Next time you see one take a look at the size of the rear brakes, they're about the size of atoms lol


I'd agree with the comment about the mirrors, you can't really move them, so parking is a gamble.


They also sound scary(!) My friends one sounds like Airwolf lol I kid you not!

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Pathetic. Buy a Rover.


Blimey! Does that not seem a bit harsh in the cold light of day, Chris?

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Very pretty Kev but are you suggesting this might be for the C and if so priceing will be interesting.

Quaiffe have had thier way for too long, there's always Pelequin(spello?) and now GKN, good one.

A few people have said that the ATB was the best thing that they have ever bought, if it wasn't for the high price for the little metal bundle of joy then i'm sure i'd have one, and maybe in the future i will have one regardless. You got one kev?




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That GKN one is FIAT specific but the oily bits are the same design as Qauifes. Quaife only applied for a UK patent, and not a global one, hence all these clones.


Gary Peloquins diff is a copy of the Quaife too as you say, but with him you get the fitting kit and the diff bearings included and pre-installed. Quaife charge you extra.


Peloquins give you a lifetime warranty. Quaife, no warranty, although Quaife USA give the US customers a warranty.


So on the surface of it one has to ask why they should bother with a Quaife when the Peloquin is cheaper imported from the states. I put this question to Quaife themselves and also asked why the US get a warranty and we don't.....they declined to comment.


I have a got a quaife currently sitting in Stealth's workshop awaiting fitment next Monday (and also a lower final drive) as I couldn't be bothered to import the Peloquin....but if you can be arsed, go for that over the Q as it's better value and a signal to Quaife that they're not attracting UK customers but treating overseas customers better.


I've been in a MK2 Golf with a Quaife and you can go round corners at silly speeds.....the first thing you'll do when you get it is floor it round roundabouts trying to find the limit of adhesion!

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Yeah I shall of course do a full report but a couple of others on here have them too....Phat, Joe M and there's someone else too, can't remember.... and they seem to like them!


Aswell as more grip round the bends, it's also useful for improving grip off the line in the wet, helping with winter traction issues etc etc and the coolest thing ever is you leave two skid marks when wheel spinning.....that's gotta be worth £500 surely?

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Most places list them at £550....although I suppose with the fitting kit and VAT it might take it out to £750 I guess....eeek....hmmm, maybe I should have imported the Peloquin....

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The CTR doesn't have an LSD, well, not the UK ones anyway. If you want a CTR with an LSD you'll have to get a Japanese import.


The Integra on the other hand has an LSD, and it makes a huge difference to the handling. Speaking from personal experience, a VR6 has lovely handling, but an ITR will leave it for dead in the twisty stuff. Let someone I know have a shot of my ITR recently (he owns a Clio Cup and a VX220) and he was amazed at the grip levels that the LSD provide. A couple of times on the tighter corners that he'd misjudged the entry speed of, he was amazed that the front end just stuck (I think he was expecting me to point out that the bend was tighter than he was expecting, but then I know what the car is capable of :wink: )


I know there's a whole VW/Honda rivalry, but there are a lot of people who are keen to condemn the other car without any experience. Just enjoy the car you drive, everyone knows the Corrado is a classic, doesn't mean that other cars that give their performance in a different way can't be good too :roll:

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CraigOwl, you the accused then?


Not that I agree with road racing, I did acelerate from a roundabout on a dual carraige way with my boss in his Boxter S behind, even though we were 4up (on the cummute to the office) he said "I showed him a clean pair of heels". A result that surprised me.

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The CTR doesn't have an LSD, well, not the UK ones anyway. If you want a CTR with an LSD you'll have to get a Japanese import.


The Integra on the other hand has an LSD, and it makes a huge difference to the handling. Speaking from personal experience, a VR6 has lovely handling, but an ITR will leave it for dead in the twisty stuff. Let someone I know have a shot of my ITR recently (he owns a Clio Cup and a VX220) and he was amazed at the grip levels that the LSD provide. A couple of times on the tighter corners that he'd misjudged the entry speed of, he was amazed that the front end just stuck (I think he was expecting me to point out that the bend was tighter than he was expecting, but then I know what the car is capable of :wink: )


I know there's a whole VW/Honda rivalry, but there are a lot of people who are keen to condemn the other car without any experience. Just enjoy the car you drive, everyone knows the Corrado is a classic, doesn't mean that other cars that give their performance in a different way can't be good too :roll:


Some of us do have experience of our 'rivals' though mate, but well said anyway and agreed on ITRs... arguably the best handling FWD car ever made, or certainly one of the best. It's a lot better than a CTR imo....in the same way the Corrado is better the than a Golf.... in terms of handling. Fit and finish in current shape ITR is excellent, and the revised body shell is WAY better looking than the older generation...imo. It's more civilised, more grown up and better built....


The Corrado does have great feedback and a limpet like chassis, so a quaife torsen diff will be the icing on the cake for me, along with shorter ratios for punchier acceleration....


The LSD is a misnomer.... people think it gives you so much more grip but it doesn't. What it does is maximise grip that's AVAILABLE to the car. It can't suddenly make the tyres wider, or add another two driven wheels, it simply diverts the torque to the wheel with most grip.....so tyre and chassis limitations still apply....but the net result is you can do more with the car's available grip and grunt more of the time....so you can you can be a fast in and fast out kind of driver, instead of fast, ooh sh1t, slow out....

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ooh s**t, slow out....


Youll still be thinking that to yourself kev, but only because your going sooo much faster than before. :)

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Just kicked the rear end off my mates new CTR and I have to say I thought it was a nice bit of kit. As mentioned before the gear shift is excellent but I found the handling a bit twitchy and I wasn't fond of the brakes (maybe just not used to decent brakes in ma vr6!).


It does however look like a total dog of a car (not pretty at all) and in no way felt quicker than my vr when I thrashed it over the same road, in fact I'd say it was a good bit slower, no doubt due in part to me being more used to my own motor.


Also I guess I know "atypical" CTR owners, not the chavvy, boyracer types at all. (well, occasionally the latter I guess)

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