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My flip out screen

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My screen works fine and plays good tunes but it developed a few weird faults. If the car isnt running and the stereo is playin with just the ignition on the display is fine untill i turn up the tunes, when it gets a bit louder the screen distorts. Then if the things playing while the cars running its got a constant fuzz running up and down and it changes with revs. Im pretty confused, anyone offer any advice here??




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my pioneer flip out screen did the same until i ran a seperate large power feed and clean earth to it and routed it away from the other cables, its fine now


also screened ht cables can help a bit as well as checking any earth connections

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It sounds like interference on one of the lines.


check your earth and as above, try routing away from other wires, or insulate the loom if poss with green line tape, or insulation tape should do the job.

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It sounds like interference on one of the lines.


check your earth and as above, try routing away from other wires, or insulate the loom if poss with green line tape, or insulation tape should do the job.


Where would he get some green line tape from without knowing someone in the forces? :lol:


Trivia, the Skates call it Phantom tape cos that's what they used it on.. a Minefield of useless information. :roll:


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It sounds like interference on one of the lines.


check your earth and as above, try routing away from other wires, or insulate the loom if poss with green line tape, or insulation tape should do the job.


Where would he get some green line tape from without knowing someone in the forces? :lol:


Trivia, the Skates call it Phantom tape cos that's what they used it on.. a Minefield of useless information. :roll:



Its not what you know eh Gav? :wink:


Ross - I may be able to get you some grren line if you want it?

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Defence of the country not a pressing issue between 10 and half past?? :mrgreen:

Sorry I forgot lecky tea break is half nine while half ten.... :roll:


VR still up north?

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Ah you mean wash prep tape.. bloody PWL's.. grr.


All tapes must bow before the mighty bodge tape anyway :wink:

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Bodge Tape is like the force- it has a light side and a darkside and holds the universe together. :notworthy:

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my pioneer flip out screen did the same until i ran a seperate large power feed and clean earth to it and routed it away from the other cables, its fine now


also screened ht cables can help a bit as well as checking any earth connections


Where did you take the large power feed from matey??

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Straight from the +ve at the battery with a fuse in-line as soon as you can. Or off the back of the fuse box.

Where the big fat red goes in, one terminal next to it is also live.


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"There are two tools you need in life - duck tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duck tape, if it don't move and it should use WD40..."

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"There are two tools you need in life - duck tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duck tape, if it don't move and it should use WD40..."


Now theres a couple of thrases :wink:



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