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do I spend money on a bike or my VR?

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Now I am 21 I can take a direct access to get myself a nice power full bike, I have always loved the feeling of racing on a big bike and the speed is like nothing else. I went for a large ride with a friend on his Nija 600, which is reasonable quick in bike terms and when we got into the car it was nice to just cruise. I suppose I had released my built up energy on the bike.


The question is, do I buy a nice bike or get my VR supercharged and really go to town on it. It doesnt help when we have nice weather as I think it would be fat to go and caine the bike !! Help friends!!

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I would go for the bike, the rush i amazing.

Not sure thou but isn't it with direct access now that u have to have 33 bhp for 2 yrs or i know u shouldn't but fit the restricted get it stamped and take it off yourself. the only thing is it invalidates your insurance.


i had the two yr probation period when i passed my test at 17


i could be wrong on the restriction thou

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My VR is looking really good, once its really low I will be happy with its appearance.


I have just had a full re spray and its the burgandy deep colour and looks wicked, new 17 polished kahns and new head gasket and loads of other stuff.


I could just slam it and get the leather recaro seats and buy the bike! The rush is just completely satisfying and you know you have to be wise to everything, I suppose it makes the feeling more intense being on 2 wheels as you have to saty on those 2 wheels, unless I have opened her up at the lights!


Anymore ideas guys? I will have a fat bike in the summer, so it will keep the miles down on the VR and in the winter I cruise my nice VR? I think I am talking myself more into the bike! Dont worry, I wont do anything stupid and sell the VR for a bigger bike, well I hope not.

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If your car is as good as you state,dont waste any more money on it.

The main question is can you afford the running costs of the two vehicles?

Running a bike aint cheap nowadays(not like when i wiz a lad :shock: ) even a small bike still requires a lot more attention than a car.

But getting on a bike will improve your car skills 4 fold,but you will still use the car to have a good blat about in.

Have you got enough sense to ride the bike and not just flat out everywhere because it will not be as forgiving as a car and ending up wrapped around a lamp post or stranded in a ditch in the middle of nowhere is not much fun.


The end of the day i would say get the bike but get your self onto a bikesafe course and really enjoy the benafits of the bike.


Have you tried insurance quotes for one too.

Try H&R insurance if you are just starting out as they take into consideration your cars no claims. :D


The burd will love you even more once she has been out for a run aswell :shock: :D

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Ive thought about this a few times and decided that I would probably kill myself on a bike so my moneys going into the vr.

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I was thinking of a Nija 600, around a P plate, you can pick them up for around £1500 - onwards. I am sensible, so I know I would do anything stupid, well saying that, when im in the car, I do go a bit crazy - Crazyman on here will vouch for that!


I know the kind of things that get you killed, I suppose over taking down the centre with traffic either side of you is just a death door waiting to be opened.


I took a 600 Nika out for a day a few saturdays ago with my girlfriend on the back, I had her fully leathered up and booted like myself and we went down to Poole harbour and we went for it a few times and the speed makes you respect the bike so much!


We then took the bike out again and I was getting more confident and wanting to wheely the bike, but I was safe and we were flying down a dual carrage way and it just felt fantastic.


The misses said she would leave me if I bought a bike, her cousin died in a motor cycle accident and he was known as a good rider, he had 32 people around his bead when he was dying out of respect for him and his riding so I can see her point. Now she is saying I should just save the money so we can buy a house!! If everyone is like me in the sense that when you have money your brain just doesnt stop thinking what to put the money towards, hence a bike or do up the VR.


Thanks for your replies guys, I will make some enquiries and see how much the insurance will be and calculate the running costs. I might just book my test and have the licence ready!


Have any of you lot got bikes? It would be a nice site seeing the blade and VR all sparkling and ready top be spanked! 8)

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call vince @ stealth and supercharge that baby

nearly as much fun as a bike imho....

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no doubt they are dangerous. and there is no doubt in my mind that there have been many riders killed due to absolutely no fault of their own. my stepfather used to ride.. has owned 5-6 bikes and has always told me stories about how you have to constantly be watching for other people. they will drive right into you like you're not there, turn out in front, etc. i've had some scary run-ins just on a bicycle at no more than 50km/h that were the fault of others.


that said, i love bikes.. i'd love to ride one around. just seems a huge risk. the longer you ride the better your chances are of sssplat. not because of yourself, but because of other assholes, drunks.. etc

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All your points are well valid. I have just bought a set of Koni adjustables and they get fitted in the next week or week after so I will hopefully become attached to her again as I hate the high look!! Also, when you are pushing the car hard I have to be ultra caucious as the car does feel loose, I used to own a Mk2 Golf GT1 on Avo coilover and that car stuck to the ground! Its the first car I have owned thats been on just eibach springs. I couldnt afford all the things at once as the car needed alot of work after the accident.


I will give it some though and get my licence and take it from there.

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I am awaiting a price tomorrow for them! I will buy the cheapest set obviously, they are as good as ordered when the price comes back to me. I was quoted 680 from Venom. How come?

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I Would go for the fk konigsport kit personally as the are koni struts just using a differnt spring and alot better value for money.... might be worth you getting a quote on them ?

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No matter what you do to the car the smile factor will never be the same as the bike.

Dont get me wrong i love the car but people notice i am a better person when i have the bike around.

I give my older brother a shootie now and again of my bike (R1) and hes always bouncing for days after it. :D :D :lol: :bounce2:

But as G60 said it`s in the luck of the gods and i have too lost many biking mates and have been there to pick up the wrecks(used to work in a bike shop).

But many guys have it in there blood and just cant give it up......must be like a drug :shock:


Heres a idea why dont you buy yourself a mini-moto and still get the biking buzz but still have that limit of safety.

Once you have stuck in that supercharger you can stick the mini-moto in the boot and get 2 for the price of 1. :o

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Rams - beware if you get a bike you risk losing interest in cars altogether! I've not run a car for two years and had to buy one to keep my no claims bonus. Believe it or not I bought the VR6 as because going fast in a car just doesn't do it for me. The VR6 suits me as its great for fast touring and distance whereas I have this for fun.




I had a ZX6R ninja on a P plate as my first bike and it was a superb machine. It will do 160mph and has a great revvy engine. However I'd say get a supermoto as you'l have soo much more fun, just below 100mph :D And yes I have crashed several times but the bike just needs kicked straight. Crash the ZX6 and you'll have a £1000 bill!


If you can get a ZX6 for less than £2000 I would be wary. They are top bikes and will do big miles but you will need to budget for a new rear shock and the consumables (like chain & sprockets) will probably be knackered too! If you need any advice let me know..

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Thats perfect, thanks!


I have some jap biker mates, they are so crazy. I dropped my car off to John Mitchell in West Sussex from Bournemouth, my 2 mates were behind me on th ebikes and I was doiung 80 on a dual carrage way, windows down, music up and just relaxing and looking behind me and feeling like I was being escourted !


All of a sudden the 6 just absolutely flew past me on the inside and made me jumo, then the other 6 went for it and the speed in which they flew past me, they we literally hanging on, one of the guys is a really good rider, his back wheel was twitching when his was banging the gear in, then he had his kness on the ground round the rounabout and he was leaning so far over it just made me think, sod the car, I need bike power. All in all it was a laugh on the way up and back, however, they said it felt like they were in wet suits due to the heat!!

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Rawhide, The guy who sprayed my VR had something similar, he enter competitisons and he said his bike is extremely quick, it sounded so lound when he gave it some revs. Your bike looks nice mate, I always look at the bike as a nice toy, I would love a GSXR1000!!!! mmmmmm

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mate, id stick with the car - loads safer, if Id had a bike @ 21 I dont think I would have lasted very long at all!

Just sold my m/bike by the way.....ignored all the stories about people getting hurt till my best mate came off pretty badly,sold it on monday to a dealer 3 weeks after may mates accident.

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Ive thought about this a few times and decided that I would probably kill myself on a bike so my moneys going into the vr.


Ive just gone and completely ignored what i said and got myself booked into a direct access course, woohoo. :p :lol: 8)

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If your thinking of suppercharging a VR, then your gonna go mental with a fast Bike. Keep it safe, Ive all ways wanted a bike, but family pressure not to, has prevented it. I'm glad I did not get a bike, as I know I would of pushed it to the limit risking serious injury. If you go for the bike, go steady !!

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Dont think ill be getting a bike for a good while yet, I would just like to get the license though as it seems better to do that and get something out of it rather than go to knockhill and do a driving course. (Which me and my cousin have wanted to do for a while, but we both decided to do this instead.) :p

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Bike every time.... even if only to sample the excitement for a year or two!!!


Direct access courses rock :D

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