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Dr Forinor

Font for Storm?

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Hey everyone, I am trying to get a keyring made with Storm written on it, but I need to know which font it is. Can anyone help me out please?

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How would I go about doing that Supercharged?


This is what I want it for

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1


Except I asked the seller to make a personalised keyring for me of Storm and he said the cost would come down if I was to tell him the font. If I was to just give him a picture then he would have to make a template from it and therefore take more time, hence increase cost.

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So far as I am aware there is not a 'Storm' font.


I do have a 'line' version of the logo that we used to produce the limited edition Storm battery covers, numberplate surrounds and car mats if thats of any help.


You could also just buy the metal 'Corrado' keyring that quite a few of us brought from Justmatz :oops:

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I have been trying to make the "Storm" badge at the back of car.


I am using original as a mould.


It is very difficult - I have already spent 3 days on it and thrown away loads of messed up stuff and gone back to the drawing board again and again. :mad2:


Painting the red on the top face of the badge without getting it down the sides, etc is a real problem. As is getting a good mould, as is getting good material for cast, as is getting a clean cast out of mould. I could go on. Maybe it would be cheaper to buy one - any quote from anyone who owns one? I know about the daft £100 plus price on ebay.


Anyone tried making this before? SORRY guys - IGNORE this - I have just seen joebloggsvr69, etc thread on making badges.


I am making one as temporary replica and keeping original off car until I sell.

I am semi retired so in theory have time to attempt this. I am getting fed up now that the sun is out again, though. 8)


I have got 2 that will look Ok from a distance. Any market for them if I were to make more? In no way can they be regarded as durable and smoothly finished like 3m's original. From a distance you could be fooled, though.

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Yes, I've made one (sort of) but haven't painted it or tidied it up.


Here's what I did:


- Buy a large tub of PVA glue.

Apply it in thin layers over the original badge (if you put a load of it at once you get lots of air bubbles)

Bostik PVA seems to be better than Copydex; it doesn't shrink as much when you get the finished mould.


After a number of thin layers have been applied and the whole lot has dried (might take a few days!) then you can remove the badge.


Now the tricky part; the badge.

I used fibreglass paste and put it into the PVA mould. Took several attempts before I got one that I was happy with.

After a day or so, remove the fibreglass clone and then you can send down the edges + fill in any air bubbles


Now to paint it.. Hmm this is where I've stopped :lol:

My uncle suggested using a roller to apply the red paint. The sort you use for lino printing


When I get around to finishing my copy I'll tell you how I managed it :wink:

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As far as painting it, you can get a sort of artists rubber putty stuff that will dry kind of like latex.


apply that all over the badge other than the face of it and then spray it. When dry just rub all the putty stuff off.

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corradostorm said

The red paint needs to be screen printed if you want that 3M look.


We could do it for about £5 per badge.


Sorry Cstorm, above not clear - what is it you can do for a fiver?

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supercharged said

He can screen print them red...


Storm badges sent to him? Sorry if I am in thicko mode.

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I would reckon it wouldn't have the smooth details on the surface, since it's just for kids, they wouldnt go to the trouble of making it ultra accurate?


Anybody tried wax at all? Or would that damage the badge?

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You get different degrees of brittleness of wax, and with the less brittle wax, I'm pretty sure it can be done. Use the "beauty wax" type of stuff rather than your ordinary "candle wax".

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Have a look here -




i have now perfected the badge but the natural colour is white.

They are made of a laser cured resin that is very simular to plastic.

If anyone is interested i can make some more


PS thanks to the guy who supplied the photos after i made them the first time making me start again!


No idea what the font is though - it is based on the same font as most dub rear badges from that era

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