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Roger Blassberg

ABS warning light

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The ABS warning light is sometimes staying on on startup, especially first thing in the morning. If I turn off and then restart, it goes out and stays out although sometimes it takes several goes before that happens.


Even if the light were to stay on, I get a kick from the brake pedal. Am I right to assume from that that the ABS pump is working and that the warning light is coming on due to an intermittent sensor or wiring fault?


I'll have it put on the analysis, but I wondered if anyone has thoughts to share.


Best wishes



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Generally just a sensor which is on its way out and moving in and out of what is an acceptable resistance. It dead easy to test the front ones because there are connectors in the engine bay next to the front struts- just unplug and test resistance across the sensor side of the contacts- Not sure what the correct resistance is but it should come up on a search.


Saying that- I always thought the ABS was disabled if the light was on? Strange yours still works.



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What you feel is just the system pressurising, the ABS won't work when the light is on...


Really needs VAGCOM to see what wheel sensor (if it is a wheels sensor) is causing problems altho as stated you can check resistance first and this may indicate where the problem is...


When was the last time the car was washed Rodger? - You may find a good going over with the Jet wash will clear the fault if it's just a dirty sensor...

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OK, I have now realised that I have a repeat of last summer's problem. Whenever the ABS warning light is on, there is also a failure of headlights, wipers and heater blower, so it's related to the operation of the load relief relay/circuitry. I replaced the relay (position 4) last year and the problem seemed to be cured, but since the hot weather returned it's playing up again! It seems to occur totally at random, eventually clears and stays ok until switched off.


So the impending MOT will be something of a nail-biter...


Best wishes



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yes, took it out and gave it a stern look. It has been ok ever since, so maybe just a loose contact.


Sounds more like a "nervous" contact..

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Try this...


Locate the ABS pump, near bulkhead & spray it with a good dash of WD40


Worked for me. I had degreased the engine bay & I think water may have gon it the sensor/electrics.


The light would sometimes come on after moving, sometimes not.


Any how, its all ok since the WD40.

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