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deep dish

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looking at wheels at the mo. not ready to buy just getting an idea style and price i like the deep dish ones alot but cant make my mind up. has anybody any views on which ones to go for. any photos would be great

thanks :)

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mmmmm they're nice.....and i want your interior.


how about some Brocks mate?



(( in shock,......VR6, hasnt moved this to exterior...))

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Erm ... moving :lol:


It's hot and I'm tired so leave me alone! :D


My interior? Still trying to complete the bloody thing. Blasted beige hard-to-find door cards grrr

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thanks for your views guys, i like the polished rim on vr6's . i want to get them really deep at the back.

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Beat me too it Furki. They look very nice polished rather than diamond cut as they are in that pic....fat wheels did a good job on mine also put lacquer (have i spelt that right?) on after polishing so bit easier to look after, ill put a pic up later.

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