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Dtm Style Exhaust

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I had one on my last C that lasted 4 days of ownership, sadly the photos i have do not really show the exhaust in its full lack of glory. I actually still have the exhaust from stripping the car and am going to sell it once i have cut the sticky up ends off it.


My advise is that they don't really fit the rear bumper apperture, and do not really look that good.

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i`ve got janspeed DTM style on my car


(was on when i bought it )


i think it looks okay


cars minging dirty but it all polishes up nicely (and exhaust)

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ben16v yours look ok actually, the ones that look nasty are the huge bore twin upswept ones that go halfway up the bumper! Don't do it A9X SJ!

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thanks, it wouldn`t be one i chose but it has been fine for the last 5 years so i`m not gonna knock it!


i know what the others think about the `big bore` style ones..... they are wank!!!!!

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my car had a nasty scorpin dtm on it when i got it, so i removed the box, chopped off the dtm`s with a 9" angle grinder, and replaced them with two straight pieces of 3" polished stainless steel tube,,, much better now,, dtm was awfull came halfway up the bumper on a terrible angle,,

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Had one already fitted on my fist valver- didn't look too bad (maybe a bit chavvy) but it knocked the whole time and was starting to melt the bumper! Changed it for an oval Magnex 8)

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yep, got a scorpion on mine, but it was £25 and the bosal job that the car came with when i bought it was rotten. knocks a bit when cold and sits at a nasty angle, will get it changed when i have the dosh

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Here was mine - needles to say it was ditched within a week of buying the car, it was a full Scorpion system and actually quite quiet, just looked totally wrong

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I've had these DTM type tail pipes for a few years and i like them, it blows smoke ring on a cold morning up past the rear window, it makes me smile and it's old skool type racing style and i'm one of the older members so i'm happy with it at the moment though i am interested in changing to a certain other style in the future.




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Christ man, you love fixin corrado's eh??


Yeh i had one as well, i got mine for free, did the job for a bit but now ive got a boxer type, more suited i rekon

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yeah - but thats my garage and me sat behind my black one!!! Bloody neighbours are sick of the back lane always been full of corrado's!!


One old bloke asked me.. "there must be something seriously wrong with these cars cos the wheels are off every week!!! Whats the problem with them?"

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That's the first time I've seen someone use the rear workshop jack points for use with axle stands.... well done! First time I've seen a Corrado road train aswell :D

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yeah - but thats my garage and me sat behind my black one!!! Bloody neighbours are sick of the back lane always been full of corrado's!!


One old bloke asked me.. "there must be something seriously wrong with these cars cos the wheels are off every week!!! Whats the problem with them?"


he he dont think its the problem with the cars, its just us owners, we cant stop messing with them!! :lol:

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Kev, you've just got no imagination........each one of them c's have been in the garage with engines in bits as well so it gets a lot more severe than in tha pic as well.....

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looks like my house on a sat morn, all the local vw lot bring there cars up and ask me to look at them, fixing whatever has happened during the week, drives the neighbours nuts ,

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Well bollox to u all ha ha i have a scorpion system on mine and have had it on for 6 year and it has a dtm tailpipe and i think it looks fine...oh and it fits fine,ive never had a problem with knocking or ill fitting.So stick that up ya tailpipes and smoke it lol :p

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Well i've always said i like my upswept DTM's, i can make smoke rings when the air is cold and i blip the throttle, two rings shoot up past the rear window!




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It takes different strokes to make the scene, i like them but they were on when i bought the car so it's not that i chose to fit that type of zorst but happy with them anyway.





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