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Always use antifreeze!

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After a while looking for my water leak i finally found it. It was coming from the plastic tube that connects the top hose to the engine.


Replaced it and this is what the old one looked like




The inner lip had broke away so the seal was not seated properly.


This was because the water/antifreeze mixture was incorrect (too much water) and over time had coroded this lip.


So when you have to top up your system make sure the mixture is 50/50 even in the summer. If you dont use antifreeze at all, eventually the cylinder head will oxidise inside the water track and block causing major problems and a big dent in your wallet. I have seen this happen to other cars and it makes a right mess.



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Sorry bit mixed up. The lip broke up over time and not having enough antifreeze didn't help this. The alloy head will corrode though.

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there are metal rings set in each of the bolt holes for the plastic...if these start to rust they will expand slightly, and as dazzy says, with the plastic being brittle it will crack easily.

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andycowuk, but the metal rings are outside of the rubber seal and so don't go anywhere near the coolant... They rust and break the plastic over time no matter what you do... :|

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