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You're Nicked Sonny!

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i'm surprised you coughed up so easily - theres no way they could make out that was you - i would have been selling them points or phoning my cousins who live abroad if i were you..;)

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Yeah, but no-one else is insured on my Corrado - there's only one person it could be driving (unless the supposed other person driving was uninsured! - dunno whats worse?).


It would only take them to look at my insurance certificate to discover that. I know what you're saying - the evidence is poor to say the least, they've kind of got me bang to rights though.

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My brother go caught doing a tone+ on the M4 that got him 6 points and £300 fine plus court fees.

My best friend got caught doing a tone fourty in a V6 clio that got him 6 points and £450 fine and court fees. depends on what your brief is like

I got cought doing 38 in a 30 in a Polo sorty ends mini adventure


Sorry to hear about fine dude i sure that would have been better spent somewhere else! Chin up

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140 and he got points+fine?! i thought anything above the ton was an instant ban?


Thatt's what I thought.. :o

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Cheers NAcORTf, I'll post the results on here for future reference! 140MPH - lucky guy to get what he got as a punishment. But yeah, the money would have been far more useful elsewhere (probably in the petrol tank, the way the government are taxing our petrol! ("I'm not driving a mini metro, I'm not driving a mini metro, I'm not driving a mini metro!")


Good point Chrishill, I hadn't thought of that admitedly... wouldn't they require/request proof that there was someone legally allowed to drive it on that date though?

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not that i'm aware of, if your policy says you can drive other cars 3rd party, then as far as i know you can just hop in anyones car (with their permission!) and away you go. I suppose they might require proof that the person who says they were driving has that option on their policy, but thats probably about all.

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my case is up in court this monday coming, 28th november. got caught doing 102mph on the m6 by a camera van on a bridge! i've pleaded guilty by post, admitting fault but sent in a letter basically grovelling. 1st offence, excellent driving conditions, very sorry for my actions, need licence for job blah blah blah! i'll let you know how i get on, hopefully have an answer tuesday wednesday.



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Oh yeah I see what you mean. But then I presume they'd start making enquiries about who it was, etc etc. Could start a game of calling each others bluff.


I almost feel its better to just take it on the chin and try and be more observant next time!


By pleading guilty by post, they give you a grovelling section which is read out in my absence... I put it down to 'rank stupidity' and that 'I am certain that I have learnt my lesson' and stated that 'it will 'never occur ever again', and apologised for a 'dangerous act that I am deeply sorry for'..... I'm sure they've heard it all before though!

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i asked to see the photographic evidence as i thought i'd try that course of action but then the picture came back & it was like a f-n passport photo! clearly me!! i'm sure they've heard every excuse under the sun but then don't they say honesty is the best policy? i'll let you know next week if i agree with that statement coz if i get banned i'll try every trick in the book to squirm out of it if it ever happens again!!!!

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well TBH thats the route I would have taken too for fear of getting myself in deeper do-do, hopfully they wont be too hard on you.


I had a mate who had a smash in her mgtf, had it fixed and was going a bit mad on the drive back from the bodyshop since she was chuffed to be back in it and free of the corsa she'd had for best part of a month. anyway, she got snapped doing around 80 in a 30, I thought she'd get banned for sure but she got a 3 pointer due to the speed limit on the road she was driving on being under review... lucky fecker.

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Ah gutted Purpley! I do feel that taking it on the chin (honesty) is better than squirming, but I may well change my mind after the 28th.


So are you waiting on a money making scheme, I mean speeding ticket, too?

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Lucky girl!


Although Daisy Duke springs to mind... are you sure she didn't have a dopy policeman drooling at her feet or anything? I swear the fairer sex get a better deal than we do when it comes to stuff like this.


One of my mates got done by x2 speed cameras both on the same road in Bournemouth a few years back. They acknowledged that she'd been caught on both camera's but only prosecuted her on one of the incidents?!... Nothing to do with a low cut top by any chance!?

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yeah, when they send your court summons they also send a means form for you to fill in. obviously i've lied through my teeth about my outgoings but they have things like what you spend on drink, lottery & all kinds of crap! i've sorta convinced myself i'll get 5-6 points & a £250 fine but then you just never know?

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Same as that mate! I filled mine out to look like I have £7 each month of desposible income (which isn't far from the truth!). I guess if they can see all our money goes on modding our cars, drinking, socialising etc. then they'll slap a big old fine on, alternatively if our money goes on rent, clothing, food etc. it might be lessened?... I can only hope!


My dad got nicked for drink driving once and because he had a Tax CCJ already which he had to pay, they didn't give him a fine at all... 6 months community service instead though! Every Sunday for 6 months he was painting public toilets, and digging trenches uphill(?!?!?!) for rain water to drain from parks?!?! (he had a very thick 'govenor'!)


I'm estimating the same for me Purpley for my incedent (87MPH in a 50), what did you get caught doing if you don't mind me asking?

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a cheeky little 102mph in a 70, was braking hard at the time to!! so sorta the same as you. is this your 1st offence? what ever happens to me should be a canny rule of thumb for you. might try to ring the court on monday to try to find out the outcome.

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Gutted! I hope do you alraight mate, its not like you're way over a tonne or anything. Thats what, roughly 45% over the limit? Think mines about 87% over the limit (i don't know if they calculate it like that though?)


This isn't my ist offence unfortunately I got 3 points (SP30) after passing my test, they came off 3 years later and then went back on a month later (SP40), they came off 3 years later and then I won them back again getting caught doing an average speed of 90 in a 70... They've just come off in August!!...Just in time!


Also got pulled the other night for sliding my arse out on a roundabout the other night with aid of a handbrake... I didn't see the police car coming down the road!!!! Thankfully I just got a bo**ocking, and was told "to save it for the track!".... (You'd think I'd learn!?!)


Good luck mate, hope they don't come down too hard on you - let me know how it goes!

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As a rule of thumb, normally, if they're gonna take your licence then you are asked to attend court for it to happen. (so you can't drive afterwards and claim you never knew you were banned!)

once it goes as far as a formal ticket then 30mph over the limit is the magic figure** where the courts are looking (depending on circumstances) to apply some form of driving ban (anything from days to months).


** unless you're actions are deemed to be particularly negligent/dangerous

at which point police representations about your actions made to the court may increase the 'standardised' penalty typically applicable in those circumstances.


example would be travelling at 40 in a 30 typically landing you with a 3 pointer but doing that outside an infants school at chucking out time whilst wheelspinning for efect would likely see you receive a much heavier penalty



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remember also that there is this scheme whereby you can go on a shitty driving course / tutorials or some bollox like that. You opt for that as they think it will make you a safer driver, and they then dont give you points. worth a try i guess. it only works in some cases, and depends on the speed you were over by. good luck with it mate.

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just re-read the previous page of posts.

just to make it clear for everyone, you MUST declare as part of the process who was driving the car at the time of the alledged incident ( this is a legal requirement and if you can't 'remember' then any punishment eventually falls to the keeper of the vehicle anyway IIRC)

If you were driving and claim someone else was to avoid the punishment you then commit another offence of perverting the course of justice which can potentially carry some significant consequences in court!!

not intending to be a killjoy but you do need to bear in mind the consequences of this deliberately intended action after an initial offence of the moment.

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