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passenger door handle

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I went for a wonder with a mate who needed some parts for his MII Golf 16V, I noticed that the passat door handles were all gone as my passenger door handle is broken. Will a gold, newer shap fir, or VW's that look like the same opening mechanism work? I mean the handle that comes away from the body to open the door?


Can I get away with a different handle or do I need to see VW or G & S? :oops:

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Passat handles & mechanims- you can do both sides for less than the cost of one Corrado handle with a few quid to spare :D


Best mod I've ever done.

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Rams, nice one- pretty easy to do too. Get the mechs from a scrappy- cost me about £10, and got the handles from VW, about £18 each from memory :D

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So for the record, 2 passat rear lock systems or can the front mechanisms work from the passat to avoid the child lock switch? Then 2 new handles from Vdub?

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I used rear Passat mechs, you just push the childlocks up manually. I think. A while ago and my memory ain't so good... It was never a problem, and the de-locked handles worked perfectly with the remote key fob.



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