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I'm still lookin for a good corrado close to me, but not many come up, but i'm really worried about picking the right corrado engine wise, i really don't no if i should go 1.8 16v or g60. :roll: Will i b dissapointed with the 1.8 16v, and b slow, can it beat peeps at lights(not that thats the only reason im gettin it but u no wot i mean), like judged against other cars is it good and better then some 1.6L+ car. then the g60 is fast im sure but does the petrol just go and i'd hav 2 keep filling it up all the time. hmmmm i just don't no which 1, they shudda made 1 corrado then it wudda bin easy. If sum1 could tell me how the 1.8 16v compares with other cars and if its good. i've only got a 1.4 polo so im sure it wud b quick but sum assurance would go down great. ta

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I find the Corrado 1.8 16v isn't 'fast' so much as 'adequate'. However, it is cheap to insure (for a Corrado), cheap to run (for a Corrado) and is at the classier end of the £1000 car market.


Head to the Wagon and Horses on the Dereham road at around lunch-time on the first Sunday of the month for the Club GTI meet. There are often a few Corrados there in all engine flavours and I'm sure the owners will be happy to chat.

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If you can afford it go for a G60


As much as I love my car, I knew I needed a G60 or a VR when some bloody ford fusion once crept past me on an uphill dual carriageway climb. And yes, I was maxing it through the gears to try and not let it happen! :cry:


Took some comfort in that it was a turbo deisel, but nevertheless, was still gutted.


Valvers have their moments though, and I wouldn't necessarily avoid one in the future. But if it's proper power your after, get a charger.

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cheers, is that pub just up from the round-a-bout or further along, mite hav 2 take a look. aye the cheaper 2 run and insurance is why i think 1.8 16v may b the 1, but then i fink in the back of my mind i'll b finkin g60 g60, always buy another 1 day i guess , b 200k miles then though. if i knew how i'd make new engines. cheers

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If its affordability your after then its the valver as it is affordale although you will prob have to pour money into it to fix something or other as the C's always need new parts. My valver is not really racy and i think you have to rev the 16v engine hard to get some performance out of it, hence why a lot of them are knackered possibly! The G60 gets you that out of the blocks acceleration i think anyway that you might be after, but you are going to pay for it through mpg and charger rebuild costs.

I suggest you test drive a valver first and see if you can live with the performance before driving a G60, as you'll prob want that as soon as you drive it!!!

Best of luck anyway..


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lol yer mayb paddy, ooo silver corrado paddy my favourite colour, well i'm sure even the 1.8 would be fast to me with past cars i've driven.


kev u a ipswich fan, i got me first season ticket this year, can't wait for sat, so excited.

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personally i think you'd probebly be better off with a valver (( having owned both )) ....its certainly going to be a step up from your 1.4 polo....and the running costs of a g60 mount up if you want to do everything properly...theres no point in going for half measures with regards to g60's , they're a temprimental beast in my experience and unless you're vastly better off than i was at 19 you might struggle?..especially if it will be your daily driver.....take your time and find a good clean 16v, im sure it'l manage to put a grin on your face for a long while..untill you're ready for vr6 goodness!> :D

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kev u a ipswich fan, i got me first season ticket this year, can't wait for sat, so excited.


Sadly not mate... I can't stand football! But I hope you enjoy the matches this season.


Not a Norwich City supporter then? :lol:

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na im probly not flowing with enuf cash for the g60 well i dunno hav 2 c when i goes full time, 1.8 16v will b great im sure, cant wait what eva i get all corrado's r cool

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D'ya know what... I'm sure there's exceptions, but most people I know are either into cars or footy. Never both.

I never really got into footy either, just use watching Liverpool as an excuse to go the alehouse. :D

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i bought a 16v last november.. sold it in april to buy a G60!


the 16v isn't particularly slow off the lights, but i dont find the g60 particularly quick off the lights. 50mph+ is where you really notice the difference.

for town driving i found the 16v easier, you can be a lot lasier with gear changes. i do alot of 'A' road driving and just didnt find the 16v up to the job.


parts will cost more on the G, and insurance isnt cheap. I do however find my G better for fuel economy!?


Good luck with the search.

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aye im thinking 1.8 16v is gonna b cheaper all round and should easy b fast 4 me, nearly as quick as me parents mk4 gold gti so its all gud n probs faster then me bro's puma

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