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In car DVD/PS2

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I thought the Corrado Forum should be the first peeps I ask cus I know you are a clever bunch.


Are there in-car DVD players that can hook up a PS2? Best place to buy would be helpful too and any other advice would be good. Need to keep the kids happy on long journeys.




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You dont need a dvd player if you have a ps2, as you can use that to play dvds and save some money?


What you'll need is a screen, starting at about £70 nowadays, and a power invester to run a ps2 on 12v starting at about £30, job done. Motorised in dash screens are getting cheaper now too.


Hope i ahv'nt missed the point. Check out the adds in the back of max power for big price reductions compared to rippofffords. I've used New Image Car Hifi several times and have been fab, even with a warranty claim they picked up the unit from my work next day and dropped of another free of charge (wasnt there fault). And they ar'nt grey import units either, just half the price of halfords!

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NickVR6, thanks, that's what I wanted to know. So if I budget on a minimum of £100 I should get what I need?


How do the screen and PS2 hook up power? Cigarette lighter or a permanent hook up to the the 12v?



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Dave, the kit my mate had did either. Depends what your after. My local motor factors are doing a centurion dvd player (multiregion) and a 7" tft screen with remote control for both units for £150 brand new. Not bad really, but the contrast wasnt the best i've seen.


I saw a test a while back that rated one of the screens for about £80 as pretty much the best picture quality out of some that were £300. Blowed if i can remember the make, sure it began with L though!


If you want it for the kidds id go the ps2 route, but if you want it for yourself i would shop around and see a few screen before you buy etc

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oh and you can buy a screen that fits onto the ps2 from joyteck for about £90! then you just need the inverter. MVC were doing these!


And you can use it in the house too

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