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Kevin Bacon

VR6 big bore throttle

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Did you change the TPS?

Ian sent my new body out with a new style TPS already attached (from Kev)

I already had a new type TPS so just swapped mine onto the new body and installed. The body I sent back to Ian included the TPS that was sent to me with the enlarged body.


The reason I ask is I think this is the same TPS that was on my enlarged body when Kev tried it out before sending onto me.


He also had problems with bad throttle response/pickup etc. so I'm thinking maybe the TPS itself is fecked !? If you did use the TPS sent with the enlarged body, try it with your old TPS and see what happens. You will need to do an ECU reset and basic settings though.



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...also, the last body Ian received was probably my old one, so I presume he reconditioned / enlarged that and then sent it out to you?


I've always thought my enlarged body felt a lot firmer than my old one. Maybe the spring on my old one was weak. Don't know if Ian replaces the spring by default or if infact you have my old one but might explain a bit??



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If you didn't change the TPS then I doubt that's your problem.


...but it *could* be though so I'd swap them over, reset the ECU and see how she runs then. You will need VAG-COM to do the basic settings bit though.



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When I said didn't change... I just meant I took what Ian sent me and did a straight swap. I've got a few things to play with / test tonight, so I'll probably be back on here when it gets dark asking more questions.

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ahhh, that could be your problem then!


Change back to your old one and see what happens. If your old one is not of the new style then you will need to do a reset/basic settings. If your old one is of the new style then you shouldn't need to do the reset/basic settings stuff.



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Swapped over, a little better but still not right. A different model of TPS. Haven't had a chance to do an ECU reset yet as it seemed to be OK when I stopped.


Started it up again an hour or so later and same problem, it stalls first time, then when it gets going it ends up labouring while idling about 400rpm. After a run it idles a bit higher.

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not really, just drive the car as detailed in the ECU reset procedure thread somewhere on this forum. (in the knowledge base I think)


You don't need to do much but the ECU needs to relearn closed medium and full throttle settings etc. and it will try to do this in the first 10-15 minutes of driving after an ecu reset.



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I have now caught up with the backlog. Thanks for all of your quick returns.


Not sure about all this reset stuff. Sorry, but I am a BMW man :cry:


I have sent an email with a couple of suggestions.

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Thanks for the update Ian, seems you have a bit of a queue forming :lol:


Mine is fantastic, thanks V much for the very quick turn around on that.


Are you sorted now Xbones? Just to confirm, did you get a Golf one or Corrado one mate? The Golf one has a step in it and a much softer spring. The throttle cable sits differently in the Golf one and has too much slack (you need a shorter MK3 cable). I fiddled about with mine and got it working fine on my motor though.


If you got a Corrado one, you probably got my old one and the TPS on that one was definitely f'cked.....however, if the TPS is fecked you can literally hold the throttle wide open and it won't open the injectors and the engine will stall....which isn't what you're getting by the sounds of things. Try the TPS off your old one. You might need some longer/shorter bolts according to the style. The old style is about twice the thickness of the new style one.


Try that and let us know....

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One thing I was surprised about was that the majority of the material was left on the bar that mounts the butterfly.


I'm sure I've seen them where a lot of this has been removed to improve the air flow when the throttle is open...

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Ian doesn't flow the butterfly spindle as he found it doesn't make any difference and he's been in the business a long time. It was AmD that specfied the spindle be ground down.

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Don't worry, you're not being short changed, there's just no real benefit in it, especially not after you've bored the inlet out 2mm, which is where the real gains come from. Doesn't sound a lot, but it increases the CFM quite a lot.

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Just done the ECU reset, and as I pulled up to the house it stalled again :(


I swapped the TPS over, was a different one, a small improvement (engine isles a bit better) but still stalls sometimes.


Can't do the basic settings as I have no access to VAGCOM.

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Just looked at your old body. The damper is still attached to it. Did you have a spare? or did you forget to fit it?


The idle screw had been over adjusted, which makes me think you have a problem with your idle control valve. The throttle flap should be virtually closed at idle. The Idle control valve sorts out the idle speed


Oops and could this be my problem.


Oh and I got a Corrado one.

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So you've not got the dashpot on then? That'll explain the stalling. It catches the throttle on the overrun and lowers it gently to rest.


And yes Ian is right, some people crank up the throttle stop to try and fix stalling problems, which just makes things worse. He sorts all that when rebuilds them.

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What's one of them look like then?


To be fair, I was only supervising really. Not very well by the sounds of things :lol: :lol: What's that saying about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing?

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LOL....and you've bought a Supecharger? Get yourself on a GNVQ elementary car mechanics course, LOL!


The dashpot is the little white plastic nipple the throttle rests on, which is the piston. It has an orange rubber belows on it.


It's my fault partially, I should have mentioned that you need to remove it and put it back onto the throttle Ian sends you. It's held on with 2 screws onto the under side of the throttle body.

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