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Spotted Jeremy Clarkson on the Isle of Man

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As some of you may know, Jeremy Clarkson has property over here and in fact his ex Ford GT40 was actually Manx registered.


Well, bit of a surprise to see him walking down the main shopping street at lunchtime on Friday.


Can't really miss him though!


Not really much point to this thread, but as you rarely see many celebs over here, I just wondered who you'd spotted around your towns.

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You've got Norman Wisdom and Geoff Duke haven't you


Pretty good round here (Surrey / Sussex borders) - have seen Damon Hill, Ringo Starr, Chris Evans, Eric Clapton, Roman Abromovich and of course the TG team as I only live 5 miles froms Dunsfold - still can't get damn tickets though

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Passed Diana Dors in street in Windsor about 40 years ago.

She lived there - I lived in next town.


Saw Spike Milligan in his jeep in London a long time ago, too.

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I saw them at the Top Gear show in Earls Court..... can't think why... ;)


(Which I may be involved in behind-the-scenes next year!! HOW COOL!)

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Ooh, and had dinner with Tim Healy ('cos he's in Billy Elliott which my g/f works on) on Friday night.


He's as deaf as a doorpost. And likes G&T. A lot.



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Did you go up and chat to him? Should have gone to try and re-sell the Corrado and try get him into sorting another article out for next season.. even if he wouldn't be able to drive anything cause of his back! :)

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Yep - Norman Wisdom and the guy that does Duke videos. Beckham's apparently got property here. Mansell used to have, but don't think he has anymore. Steve Colley and Dougie Lampkin both live here (trials riders).


Didn't chat to him Jim - took me long enough to decide if it really was him! lol

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Of course, I bet he loves people going up to him and saying "Oi Clarkson, you should do more about my car, yeah!"



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I met Robbie Williams a few years back, he was watching a christmas style play in Notting Hill, where I'm from, he seemed a pretty cool dude aswell.

Apparently Clarkson got his job by asking the producer of TG who he met at a party, so I think if I ever see him, I will just try and blag it, nothing to lose ay!

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JK from jamiroquai lives about 5 miles from me and i've seen him about. on foot and in his enzo. robin gibb from the bee gees lives near by and so does rowan atkinson so car spotting is good here, just want to see jk and mr bean race the enzo and the mclaren :D jeremy irons is also close by, the bucks, oxfordshire border is good for the rich peeps

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i've met president gorbachev and sven goran ericsson - not at the same time!

also frank bruno, roy castle, geoff capes...


My mum met the queen the other week!

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when I was in the I O M earlier this year we saw norman wisdom in his jag.


as we were squeezing past on our bikes my mates were stopping to shake his hand.


as one of the lads reached over to shake his hand, norman leant forwards and my mate managed to accidentally poke the poor old bugger right in the eye!!!


I laughed so I hard I nearlly fell off my bike!!!

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I met Jeremy once up at Newlands Corner (just out side Guildford) They were filming some Merc for TG... he was quite interested in my MK1 Golf or he was just being polite ;)

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Managed to accidentaly trip Ryan Giggs up in a shop once. Didn't even realise it was him until I said Sorry mate.

This was when he was knocking that Davinia bint off who used to live up the road from me


Maybe I'd have gone in a bit harder if I'd recognised him beforehand. :lol:

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My girlfriend barged Frank Skinner of the pavement in cheltenham last christmas. She had no idea it was him, she was just marching up infront of me because i'd pissed her off :p


Poor bloke!

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I served Micheal Elphick (Boon) a pint of Guinness a few years ago, it was just before he was in Eastenders.


When I was at school, about 12 years old, I ran (literally) into Cheryl Baker who was visiting our school for some bizarre reason.

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I might Micheal Elphick (Boon) in a restaurant in Portugal when I was over there on holiday nearly 20 years ago!

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My girlfriend barged Frank Skinner of the pavement in cheltenham last christmas. She had no idea it was him, she was just marching up infront of me because i'd pissed her off :p


Poor bloke!


lmfao i can just imagine her storming off nad barging him and you have to say sorry lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

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bumped inton cilla black in harrods last year. then bumped into her bentley that was parker right outside with the plate C1LLA


Rory McGrath (think thats his name... dude with the gingerish afro from they think its all over) .. i often see him wandering around cambs.. drinks in either the green man in granchester or the freepress in town.


raced jason barlow (editor of car magazine) in his jag XJR.. he lives near my friend in bishops stortford... chased him round the bypass in the damp and had some nice views of his tail sliding around!! actually my friend cleans his windows and asked if he can shaddow him while he works for a week as he wants to get into that kinda thing... jason gave him his office number and when my friend went in to meet him jason said 'now... you wont be able to drive all the cars due to insurance.. but you should be able to drive some' :D bonus.. my mate was just expecting to shaddow him.. not drive the cars! shows what can happen if you just ask

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